Success | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By NileRaven BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
NileRaven BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You can’t always choose what happens in your life, and some things may make you feel like it’s not worth it. Preventing these things are impossible, but with some guidance life could be just a little easier to deal with because trust me, at the end it will all be worth it.

Without motivation success is unreachable. If there are no goals set out for you to reach then why should you even try? As a fellow student I feel the same way a lot, so set a goal for yourself. At the beginning of every school year I always set 10 goals. They can be academic or extra curricular goals, but they always have one thing in common; they help me gain a skill I will need as an adult. For example, this year my goal was make a positive first impression on everyone I met this year. I made an effort to be seen as a likable person to people I didn't even know, and I know it worked because my friends tell me people say, "Nile's so nice," all the time. In the business world this could benefit me because I would be seen as easy to work with. Not only does this make Me more attractive to potential job offers, but it creates memories and lasting friendships you will look back on for years.That small act has made me one huge step closer to success.

Being successful is an achievement driven by personal beliefs. Think about all the rich and famous people seen as great role models or little children's idols who do drugs, are alcoholics, or even have committed suicide. That is not what I want to be. I will to be something parents want their kids to strive to be. Think know people who are overachievers in school, have many committed friends, and awesome personalities, but still see themselves as failures and worthless. Many feel like whatever they do they’ll never be good enough to please that one person they care about most, whether it’s a parent, sibling, or schoolmate. The only person they need to focus on pleasing are themselves. It seems that our generation spends way too much time trying to impress others before they even begin to like themselves which makes success impossible to reach for many. People should strive to be the person they, and not anyone else, invission as successful.

Success is a batch of freshly baked holiday cookies on top of the fridge. You can smell, and almost taste them, but you’re way too short to reach them without something to bolster you. Although, with the help and support of a few chairs and the kitchen counter you’re able to reach the sweet taste of victory.

The author's comments:
My piece started as a required writing, but ended up an essay that not only inspired others to better, but even myself to work harder towards my ultimate goal of success.

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This article has 3 comments.

Aunt Bev said...
on Dec. 25 2013 at 10:04 am
Excellent article Nile, I pray that other teens will read this and gain inspiration. You hit all the major points that seem to affect teens in today's society. Hopefully hearing it from a teen will have an effect. Great Job!

Aunt De De said...
on Dec. 25 2013 at 10:02 am
This is great thought provoking work!

Aunt De De said...
on Dec. 25 2013 at 10:00 am
This is great throught provoking work!