controversial issue | Teen Ink

controversial issue

April 16, 2013
By kyeshacherry06 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
kyeshacherry06 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Favorite Quote:
love yourself

The cost of college is too high.Not alot of people can afford it.Mainly black african americans can't.Thats what the government wants.He wants the wealthy people to get richer and the poor to get poorer.There is a seperation of classes like highclass and low class.Highclass are able to work as nurses ,Doctors,Lawyers,Professors and other jobs we need.While the low class is stuck working at Mc.Donalds,and walmart.
My sis is in college and she had some financial trouble.But with fasfa and other things like scholarships she was able to make it.Your financial background is very important.If your family doesnt have good credit then its likely that you will have trouble getting in to college.Education should be free because why would it cost to learn.
I feel that what you really need is street smarts.All the money that goes into college,where does it go?The government just want control and to get rich .Cost of college is too high and less people that are smart cant go to college and thats not right.College cost should be lower to a point where people can afford it.People that should be in college are living the non American dream because they wernt able to afford college.All the money for college could be used for books and keeping the schools in good shape.
With the cost of college teachers are able to have better working conditions.Some say the cost of college is too high because of student loans.So thats basically just paying back what you owe.The money for college helps keep schools up and functioning.Irritated because more educated people get better jobs.Scared that are economy will be in debt and a lot of people will be on the streets.
Eventually cost of college will rise even more and mainly blacks will be back to the old times.Abruptly the government keeps prices high so poor cant afford things.My sister college has a high cost but she is able to manage the pay.The government a man who should do right by us is showing us that he wants us to fail.With college they make it hard because with loans ,you have to pay all that money back.Some people cant afford to pay all there loans and become College drop outs.

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