Homeschooling | Teen Ink


April 12, 2013
By ardiana BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
ardiana BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Home is the New School

The world is not as safe today as it was decades ago. In recent years, there have been many incidents of school violence occurring in this country, and they are broadcast all over the news. These range from bullying and fighting in schools to bloody college campus massacres. The thought of any of these things happening in their own child's school can terrify parents. The thought of homeschooling a child may seem ridiculous to some, and a clear advantage to others. There are many more contemporary educational opportunities today than there were decades ago, giving parents options of how they choose to school their own children. If homeschooling is decided by a parent to be their means of educating their child, they are offering that child numerous advantages over a traditionally schooled one, and allowing them to be in the comfort and safety of their own home and family.

Parents choose homeschooling for a variety of reasons. Children who school at home are safer than those who go to public school. They do not have to travel anywhere in bad weather, do not risk being teased or bullied, and are less unacceptable to germs and communicable illness. Academically, they can work at their own pace, and can choose to accelerate in areas where they enjoy. Homeschooling also offers responsibility and independence to a child much more than they would have in a traditional school setting. Homeschoolers are not confined to a classroom with 20 or so of peers. Their classroom is not only their home, but the world as well. Homeschool parents often take their children out and explore the world hands-on. This gives the child a learning experience from their own point of view, and not someone elses through a classroom.

There are many outstanding benefits to choosing homeschooling for a child. There is no set organization that a homeschooler has to belong to. This means that there are no membership fees or dues and the education can be completed on a big or small budget. Free information and books can be accessed from public libraries, so the purchasing of textbooks can be avoided if they are not affordable. Families who have strong religious convictions are advantaged by homeschooling because they can weave their beliefs and passions into their daily routine. World socialization is also a benefit of homeschooling. Because they are not confined to a classroom of peers in their same age category, a homeschooler can go out into the world and learn with a hands-on approach and be around all age groups of people.
Homeschooled children spend more time with family than with peers, so their influences, morals, and attitudes are modeled by those teaching them, not those around them. They do not have to compete with other children for the latest trends or worry about fitting into groups. They can be themselves and develop at their own pace. A parent who homeschools their child may gain a stronger personal bond with them as well, and get to know them on a different level when they are with them watching them learn all day. If the child has special needs, they can be accommodated to by the parent, and their lesson plans can be customized to their level of understanding. With special education programs constantly being cut around the country because of money constraints, homeschooling could be a tremendous advantage for a special needs student.

The choice a parent makes regarding homeschooling their child is not a decision that has to be taken lightly. The parents also have to have the time, space, and devotion that is crucial to the success of a homeschooled child. Like any educational decision, homeschooling may be for some and not for others. There is a safety and comfort of the home that just cannot be experienced through a public school. The child’s day and curriculum can be customized towards their learning style and strengths, and they are given the greatest opportunity to excel in the area they choose because they have unlimited amounts of time to devote to it. Where it cannot be incorporated into learning in a public school, religion can be a part of the families day and put into the child’s lesson plan. And when they are socialized into society through their parents, the child will have the same if not stronger personal ties with people than they would in a traditional school. Homeschooling is an act of love that is given by generous, loving parents who want to give their child the greatest educational opportunity that they personally can.

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