Degrees | Teen Ink


April 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Such college basketball stars such as Anthony Davis, Austin Rivers,and Kyrie Irving have made the decision to not finish college and take their talents to the pro level. They spent one year in the college game and then left. I’m always disappointed when I see players do this because the college basketball is much more entertaining to me.Then I started thinking. Why not earn a degree and play more and further basketball skills? I wouldn’t turn down free school, a chance to play more ball, secure a future for yourself, and there aren’t really any good reasons to leave after a year.

Free college sounds really nice to me. I would take a full ride athletic scholarship any day of the week, but unlike some athletes I would use it to the fullest by earning a free degree.Yet instead some student athletes will stay for one year in the college game then leave to a professional career, it’s a waste of a year of college and shouldn’t be encouraged as it is today. The millions you plan to earn when you enter the draft will be there three years and college degree to be proud of later, I promise.

When most 19 or 20 year old kids get their big contract the first thing they do is buy a three and half million dollar house and a million dollar car. My point being they don’t know what to do with their money. According to the Bleacherreport Allen Iverson just was said to be almost completely broke after making almost 200 million dollars in all of his career. Guess how many years he was in college. Others may say they are afraid they will stay and get injured and never get to play in the NBA. Well this is true but you could also get hurt in the NBA, have no college degree and not have anything to fall back on after the career ending injury.

In an article from Yahoo Arne Duncan the U.S. Secretary of Edu. that any team who doesn’t graduate at least forty percent of it’s players should be banned from the tournament. Now you're probably thinking well what team doesn’t graduate that percentage? Last year number one seed Kentucky didn’t. Actually many big time schools such as Baylor, Tennessee, and Maryland wouldn't make the cut. The worst part of it all is the these coaches are expecting kids to not graduate.They don’t care one bit. Kentucky will be signing at least 5 maybe up to 7 freshman for next year. With a team of only 2 seniors that means they are expecting at least 3 kids not to graduate this year. So these type of coaches not only do not care about the kids and their lives after they graduate but they are almost promoting the act of not earning a degree.

Most the kids not staying around for the four years are on athletic scholarships and aren’t paying for college, like I said before free college sounds nice to me and should be promoted. I think that college should be encouraged That student athletes should use their time there wisely and get that most out of it.

The author's comments:
I felt it was something that should be seen by young athletes.

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