Fixing religion | Teen Ink

Fixing religion

June 24, 2023
By Anonymous

Fixing religion 

How did something as innocent and pure as religion turn millions of lives into nightmares? 

Why do humans have a hard time accepting others' beliefs? 

You can find all  sorts of examples of religion’s brutality in history and modern times. Christians have harassed, tortured and killed Jews and even other Christians for centuries. In Afghanistan the Taliban use religion to justify their horrific acts against women. In Iran the religious regime is so strict that women have been killed for not wearing a hijab. 

Even in my hometown of Charlottesville Virginia I have been judged by my schoolmates for not going to church because my family doesn’t believe in going. 

Now, I’m not saying religion is all bad. If used responsibly, religion gives people faith and optimism for life after death. What I am saying is if we can even think about global unity  then we need to fix religion and stop using it as a weapon. 


The author's comments:

This took me more time to submit it than to write it

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