The Uyghur Genocide | Teen Ink

The Uyghur Genocide

May 26, 2023
By Anonymous

The United Nations describes genocide as “a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part.” When most people hear the word Genocide they think of the past of atrocities like the Holocaust. Or even more recently the genocide in 2003 that took place against the people of Darfur. However, as you are reading this right now a great injustice much less a genocide is taking place in our world right now. People are just ignorant in some matters of foreign affairs. I am writing this to tell you right now across the world in China more than a million people of the Uyghur minority–Human beings–People made in the image of God that are being imprisoned, mistreated, brainwashed, raped, murdered, beaten, and starved. This is not simply a speculation or rumor, but there is certain and irrefutable evidence of concentration camps in China. 

Uyghurs hold different traditions, culture, and beliefs than the majority Han Chinese. While they are 100% Chinese, they are different from the Han and as a result the Communist government desires to get rid of their culture. They do this through putting Uyghurs in concentration camps in an attempt to “cleanse” China from the Uyghurs culture. Therefore I am writing this to inform you about the harsh detainment of the Uyghur minority in China, of how they are treated in the camps, and labor the Uyghurs are forced to partake in from the government. In light of that information, I will explain how you can make great changes and take steps to better the chances of Justice for the Uyghur people. 

First hand accounts from former prisoners of these camps explain the injustice that occurs against the Uyghur minority and prove why change must be made. An interview taken by “Radio Free Asia'' is of a woman who was traveling with her 3 triplet sons and was taken away with no probable cause, but simply for the fact that she was a Uyghur. She explains how Chinese cops put a bag over her head and beat her. After a grueling interrogation she was taken to a re-education camp–although she was innocent–she was subjected to the torture of an electric machine, regular beatings, and the witness of 9 deaths of other “criminals.” All the while she could only think of her three kids. Finally after  being released she went to the hospital where her kids were held and found only two to be alive. The third child had died under the hands of the Chinese government. 

Despite the difficulties she faced, she was one of few that was able to flee the country. She came to the United States in hopes to be free from the danger of the Chinese government even though her husband was imprisoned in China with a 16 year sentence for the only fact that he was a Uyghur. Jane Doe's interview portrays the severity and harshness she faced when she says “I did not believe I would leave prison in China alive” (Radio Free Asia). This is just one story of what Uyghurs face inside concentration camps. How can our country sit here when people in God’s world face mistreatment and torture such as this? The Chinese government is imprisoning these people because they are a minority and hold different beliefs and traditions which is an injustice to the Uyghurs and should drive us to stand up against this atrocity. 

Another source that reveals what the Chinese government is doing to the Uyghurs inside the camp is from the International consortium of investigative journalists. This source will put to rest all uncertainty as to whether these camps really exist because pictures explained in these documents were leaked by the Chinese government and depict what life is really like for the Uyghurs inside the camp. The pictures show prisoners being “educated” with TV films of Chinese government officials. Propaganda in the videos are made to brainwash the muslim Uyghurs into accepting the Chinese government and to shift away from Muslim beliefs and ideals. Other pictures show prisoners being forced to sit in metal chairs upon entrance to the camps. They are cuffed to them by their hands and feet. The Uyghurs are forced to sit there for hours at a time in front of the desk of an official. When they move, guards beat them using batons. 

Uyghurs face other hardships in the camp including rape, forced sterilization, living in very small living conditions with only a bucket as a toilet, are forced to sing propaganda songs before eating, have no choice but to consume food that has bugs and tastes awful; the list goes on and on (Scilla Alecci). Pictures, documents, and accounts all explain the atrocities that occur and the camp and makes certain the reality of this genocide as well as confirm the injustices of the Chinse government toward the Uyghur people. 

Given the undeniable and irrefutable evidence of the Uyghur genocide in China, action must take place to bring justice to the people suffering there. While governments around the world are aware of the concentration camps, they have not taken enough action to put it to an end so it is our duty and responsibility to do our part in stopping it. You may think that it is too big a task to stop the Chinese for an individual, but I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. 

The U.S. bureau of international affairs acknowledges the undeniable evidence of the Uyghur genocide and explain the forced labor Uyghurs partake in for the Chinese government. The Chinese government utilizes the people's labor as a source of income in the production of goods and sale to the United States (Bureau of international labor affairs). That is where you come in. 

The Save Uyghur project highlights goods that increase much revenue for China yet are created using the forced labor of the Uyghurs. We must make a stand against this injustice by boycotting these goods which include Nike, H&M, Adidas, and so many more (Save Uyghur). For more goods produced by forced labor in China go to 

If you make a stand as an individual and stop buying those products until the camps are abolished, we can unite together and end the injustice happening in China. Let go of those name brands for a cause that can save the lives of the Uyghurs in China and spread the word of the camps to America because our nation needs to take action. Together, we can stop the Uyghur genocide and bring justice to the Uyghurs who are being mistreated by the Chinese government.

The author's comments:

My name is Sam and I have a personal connection with this topic. I spent most of my life in China and was good friends with Uyghurs who had family members detained. This issue needs to be shared with this generation to raise awareness for it so we can end it.

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