Doping in Sports | Teen Ink

Doping in Sports

May 31, 2022
By Johngonnella19 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Johngonnella19 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you have ever watched the Olympics you probably have not realized that half of the athletes you watched have used performance enhancing drugs. For those who don't use these drugs have a disadvantage;which isn't fair. The current issue in professional sports is during the Olympics they were finding people that used performance enhancing drugs but still allowed them to compete. Therefore, performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports because they give athletes an unfair advantage over athletes that don't use them during a sport event, and if sports legalize performance enhancing drugs more athletes will be putting their bodies in danger by pushing themselves to the limit. 

To begin, performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed because they give athletes an unfair advantage over athletes who don’t use them. According to, “performance enhancing drugs can increase an athlete's strength, speed, and endurance,”(Shivangi Saxena). Also athletes that are getting away with using performance enhancing drugs are able to do things that other athletes who don't use these drugs can’t do. Furthermore, the, states that “43.6% of athletes surveyed during the winter olympics had doped in the past year” (“Performance”).This is giving the other 56.4% of athletes a disadvantage during the Olympics which isn’t fair. If this many athletes are doping and being allowed to compete why would they not take the advantage over the other athletes who don't use performance enhancing drugs. The Olympics and other sports events need to start to not allow athletes that used performance enhancing drugs to compete or every year more and more athletes are going to use them.  If athletes keep getting allowed to compete while using performance enhancing drugs soon every athlete will start to use them and then the competition will be whose body can handle more.

The second reason why athletes shouldn’t be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs is it puts athletes' bodies in danger by pushing themselves to the limit. In the article it states that “performance enhancing drugs can cause high blood pressure, aggressive behaviors, infections, and diseases.”(“Performance”).  If athletes start to use these drugs it can cause them to become very sick over sports which are just fun hobbies which many people love to play. Performance enhancing drugs can also cause mental damage which can ruin relationships with families and friends.  If athletes end up losing relationships with their family and friends because of their aggressive behaviors they could end up getting depression. 

In conclusion, performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports and the olympics. If athletes are being allowed to compete while doping some might say that if almost half of the athletes had doped during the Olympics then why not let everyone dope. If sports legalize doping athletes will be putting their bodies in danger over a game which is just supposed to be fun and a time to hang out with others. 

The author's comments:

I am 13 and in the 8th grade. I love to play sports such as hockey, baseball and soccer. My favorite sport is hockey which I play basically all year round. 

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