The Hypocritical Problem with American Media | Teen Ink

The Hypocritical Problem with American Media

February 28, 2021
By jcor123 BRONZE, Hampton, Georgia
jcor123 BRONZE, Hampton, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Lightning Makes No Sound Until It Strikes.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, Democrats trust nearly 22 news sources, while only distrusting roughly 8 other sources. Republicans only trust 7 sources, and distrust a whopping 20 sources. Many people who do not know much about American politics are scratching their saying, “Why would a Republican be so distrusting of the news media in our country” The simple answer is a little thing called bias. Bias is a favoring of something or someone, usually used in a negative context. 

So how can we fix this bias? Well first, America has to understand the fundamental flaw that plagues everyday life. People are biased in one direction, no matter how unbiased their contract states that they have to be. It doesn’t matter how close to the center we are or how far we are to the left or right, we are all biased. This bias is deadly to a democratic republic like America. People start to distrust the media first, then their political leaders, then the whole government, and then before long, it blows up in all of our faces.  There is one simple fix to this; to admit that we are biased and that we should admit and be honest that bias is rooted in not only our OWN interests, but the interests of other people around us.  

Peer pressure is a powerful thing.  Most major companies succumb to it once they hit a certain level of fame, flipping over to a Democratic point of view. The more money the company makes, the farther to the left that they go. Many people remember the Capitol Attack on Jan. 6, 2021 and that almost every social media outlet banned Former President Donald Trump from ever speaking his thoughts publicly again in the aftermath. “Hello censorship? It's been a while since we’ve seen you in the public eye!” This is for a good reason why censorship has been, for lack of a better term, CENSORED from the American eyes. Censorship is a powerful thing and if used in the wrong way can plant the small seeds of the lust for power, or even communism. Don’t like what the other political party has been saying? CENSORED. They have a different point of view? CENSORED. By this point in the article, if you haven’t clicked off yet, you may sense a bit of a political bias in the tone. This just reinforces my point that we all have issues, we just need to admit it. The truth is that any political party, anyone who identifies with ANYTHING is biased. Fascism? Socialism? Communism? It’s all the same once it gets to a certain point on the political circle. We, as Americans, have the power to stop this censorship and bias of people who deviate from the political norms. But it takes one crucial step.  

We must admit our bias. It doesn’t help when people and media say there is no problem. That they are doing their jobs, being “watchdogs” for the public. It’s all talk, no walk. Whether you support media like Fox News or CNN, they are all biased. They all censor points of views. Some people will fight this notion, say everything is fine and move on with their lives. People who do realize this problem will fight to solve the problem, for America and ultimately, the world.   

The author's comments:

Just a piece that I wrote that I hope expresses my frustration with a silent killer that has infiltrated our media and government. Again, I do admit that this was a fairly biased article, but we must hear all sides of the arguments presented in order to create dialouge. If we censor other points of view, ther is no dialouge to be had. It is a fine line to walk, but it is necessary to get things done and to understand our fellow man.

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