Can you live in peace? | Teen Ink

Can you live in peace?

December 18, 2020
By Caiden25 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
Caiden25 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
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Can You Live In Peace?

Can you live in peace? Well that can be answered in a lot of ways depending on how you live, where you live and other things about your life or even things that are going on in the world around you. 

Peace around how you live is what is your outlook on life. Are you happy about your life, are you around good people to where you can or atleast try to make your life peaceful. For example if you're sad and not very happy about life it's going to be really hard to try and find peace in this world. This world you have to be somewhat happy with your life to live peacefully. If you're all sad and you get depressed and don’t feel like doing anything you can lose the people around you making you feel alone and being alone will not be very peaceful. Also you could get demotivated and lose your  job if you have one, and then you can’t make any money so you can’t buy anything then you would eventually lose everything, and since you also could lose the people around you they can’t help you anymore so your just alone and have nothing and that is not a peaceful way to live at all. Also people at say that “in order to block all negativity you can  listen to criticism but only if it’s constructive.They also say to follow your heart as in it's basically saying do what your gut tells you to do. What that has to do with living peacefully is that you're going to do what you want to do and not what anybody else tells you to do. They also say to Know and love yourself. That means that you should know your worth and not let anyone drag you down and try to make you feel bad. 

The next part of living peacefully is where you live. Now if you live in a gang infested community or neighborhood you're probably not going to live very peacefully. If you live in a good neighborhood and everybody else gets along there is a very good chance that you’re living peacefully or you have the chance to live peacefully. If you live in one of those bad neighborhoods and you want to live peacefully and you have the chance to get out try your best to get out. Our city of Springfield I'd say it's about half and half with good neighborhoods and bad ones. Our city isn’t always peaceful but it’s never to the point where I really wanted to leave this city. Living peacefully can also be affected by your neighbors if they are not very nice and harass you, you're not going to live very peacefully.

Now the last part is what is going on in the world around you. In the time period we are living in right now is definitely not peaceful one hundred percent of the time. Right now with COVID-19 driving everybody crazy it's making the world not so peaceful right now. COVID has killed a lot of people and its turning Americans against their own government thinking it was all a “plan” to create covid. COVID has destroyed a lot of families and it’s now making it to where you can’t spend holidays with your family and people aren’t so happy about that. Also right now with the whole racial issues when George Floyd was murdered by the Minneapolis Police Officer the US went crazy and everybody started rioting and when rioting happens people get killed and that's exactly what happened. Also Terrorist attacks also can disrupt peace. I know I haven’t been alive for any major terrorist attacks like 9/11 but from what i’ve heard and what I have learned and read about when 9/11 happened the world was not peaceful at all. Americans were not happy because they weren’t really sure what had happened. We are still to this day not at peace with the people who caused 9/11. Also with the 2020 election everyone was holding either Biden or Trump rallies since this was the most important election in history and now all of the Trump supporters think that there was fraud in the election so all of those people are mad and Trump supporters are feuding with Biden supporters. Now that Biden is almost guaranteed to be the next US president everybody has calmed down a lot.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because of the circumstances that we are in right now with COVID, the election and all of the racial stuff that is going on right now.

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