Low Hopes | Teen Ink

Low Hopes

October 11, 2019
By roux03lugo25m BRONZE, Austin, Texas
roux03lugo25m BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Low Hopes

She has recognized what she has done; she has done a lot of bad things. I guess it's disappointing seeing your first child, the girl you had dreamed of since you were a child diverging from your childhood fantasy. Though you were only 14 and 18 respectively when you had her, your image of who you'd hoped she'd become didn't match the reality. 

Though the daughter's mom had been raised in a small town as had her dad, both of the parents grew up differently. Her mom grew up as the only child in her family to pursue an education and was the one that dreamed big. Though she had not received much attention from her parents because her dad passed away and her mom worked a lot to be able to feed her six children, she remained undeterred. Now, the daughter's mom was trying to be hard on her so that the daughter could feel like she had her attention, which led to her being overly strict.The daughter's dad was raised to be in a "perfect world".Where everything was supposed to be done perfectly and the dad expecter his daughter to be "perfect".

Time passed and the daughter started growing up. The parents seem so disappointed at the mistakes she has made and the daughter really tried to change. Even tho she tries to be better every day her mistakes just keep coming back.

The daughter tells the parents what her goals are and what she wants to become as an adult and how much she has grown through the years. But they respond with:  "Nadamas vas a la escuela a hacerte Menza com crees que vas a lograr eso" (You only go to school to do nothing how do you think you are going to achieve your goals). Her goals in that instant have just been leveled down. Although she doesn't want to change what people would like her to be, strangely her parents change the way of her thinking.

She cares about what they think because her parents are supposed to be the ones supporting her and helping her achieve her goals. One day as her family was having lunch, she shared with them that she had been getting A's and that her perspective on the value of education had changed. And what did the dad decide to say you may ask. He said: "No me vengas a decir eso, porque ni que des un gran esfuerzo en la escuela, si ni si quiera haces nada que te beneficie"(Don't come to tell me that, because you don't give a lot of effort in school). The daughter remained silent for the rest of the lunch.

Later that day at about 10 PM, as they were coming back from the store they started talking about what the daughter had said at lunch and the daughter told her dad that there had been times where her friends were the ones who had cheered her up and made her think that her goals were something important, but not hearing that from her parents was disheartening. After she said that she decided to tell them something she was really really hurt and had never said it because she thought her parents wouldn't react in a good way.

The tears flowed down her cheeks once again. She shared,"I don't remember a time in my life since I was little that you or Mom have said to me that y’all are proud of me. I have been living my life having to hear that I am not going to be able to achieve my goals and y’all getting mad at me for every small insignificant thing. Every single year I am being compared to my cousin, but what I am going to tell you is that, I am going to graduate from high school and on my graduation day, I am going to say, the only reason I'm here is to at least hear once out of my parent's mouth that they are proud of me. And if that doesn't still doesn't happen that day or ever I can rest easy as I know that I've tried and no matter what, I love my parents".

And as you may have already noticed, that poor girl who has been struggling and is still waiting for her parents to show they are proud of her, is me, Roxana. Acting like nothing is happening is not good. I speak up so that my parents could know how I see things are happening around me and the way our relationship is going from my perspective. This didn't go as bad because now I see they try to change.

The author's comments:

Author's Reflection

Purpose:I choose this topic for my personal narrative because this is something that can be relatable to other students or even adults because I've talked to my 7th-grade history teacher and he says that he as an adult has still gone through this same thing because his parents sometimes give him low hopes even tho he thinks big.While writing this piece,I realized that my silence all these years was just affecting me and I thought to myself "Maybe,if I had told my parents how I felt before,maybe they could of try to change sooner than now that I've lived for almost 9 years hearing the same things".The purpose of my writing is not to make people feel bad for me but so that if there are more people out there going through the same thing,they could feel inspired by this writing and they can think to their selfs after reading this "I had never realized that this is also affecting me",and then they could tell to whoever person how they are feeling.

Brainstorming: I started my brainstorming ideas in my Writer's Notebook.I did a memory chain and found that a common thread was my parents.In the memory chain,I saw that I had many goals and things I just wanted to achieve that would affect my future but as time passed all of my goals were because my parents were giving low hopes which then lead to me never accomplishing my goals.Now I try to focus more on myself not caring about what anything has to say if it's going to affect me.The point is,my parents were the back story to all of the things in my memory chain brainstorming activity.

Revision:My writing went through three drafts and was commented and revised by my teacher Ms.Knox and my fellow peer Daniela.They both gave me comments on what was good and what could I change.

Challenges:The main challenge I had at first was to make it as short as possible because I had to make it in a limited word count and I went way over because I just had a lot of details.I worked hard so that I could be as descriptive as possible on how were the people in my story and why they did the things they did.

Strengths:I liked my use of dialogue because my dialogue is in Spanish so that it could be more realistic than just putting it in English and not sounding as it happened at the moment.I love that I took the time or my writing and that I put it as it happened and what I felt because even when I was writing it I could feel the same thing that I was feeling when all these things happened.

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