Post Te | Teen Ink

Post Te

January 7, 2018
By jacquelinereadinger BRONZE, Guthrie Center , Iowa
jacquelinereadinger BRONZE, Guthrie Center , Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be scared to change the Prince's name in your story. -Atticus

      The world as we knew it, was gone. It didn’t end in a bang, or a whisper, simply one scream at a time. In this very moment we stood in place of darkness a place of fear, yet we simply went about our day doing nothing to stop it. We couldn’t figure out what had happened before it was too late. They stopped, the people didn’t move, didn’t blink, didn’t breathe. Before every one of them died, they screamed two word,”post te.” No one knew what it meant, no one knew what they said, until it was their turn to scream. It couldn’t have been possible for anyone to stay alive long enough to figure it out, simply because when one did so, they disappeared. They fell of the face of the earth, and were never seen again. It wasn’t as if we could turn the volume down, it always stayed at the same pitch, same level of insanity. You couldn’t die if you tried. If you jumped off of the building and landed you would feel the pain but you would walk away without a scratch. If you got hit by a car you would walk out and still make it to work on time. The only way to die was to scream, and no one had control over that. The last person ended it all with one final scream filling the silence. That was known as The Day of Clamborius, ending everything all at once, but starting a new beginning at the same time. Dinosaurs soon arrived and the centuries passed, here we are today waiting for Clamborius to arrive once more.

      Once I was done telling the story, Eliza bent his head back and screamed, then dropped to the ground. One after another everyone did the same, except for me, how could I be passing the story on from dawn to dawn of the human race if I was dead?

The author's comments:

I found a writing prompt and decided to expand on the topic of the world ending. I am a fan of these types of writings, especially if I can make someone afraid of the dark, or if I could make someone feel second hand embarassment. Those are always the best writings.

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