The Girl in the Picture | Teen Ink

The Girl in the Picture

November 28, 2017
By Anonymous

The real estate agent looked ghastly pale. That should have been the first clue. But the old house was selling at such a cheap price, I couldn't refuse. I had heard the rumors that it was haunted, but hey, I didn't believe in ghosts. But just to be sure I thought I should probably spend a night in the house to see if the rumors were true. I packed my equipment in a box and headed to the house. If there really was a ghost in the house, I was going to find it. As I arrived at the house, a storm was brewing outside. It felt like sandpaper rubbing against my skin as I pushed my way against the wind. I knew this was going to be a horrendous storm but I had already taken off of work it had to be tonight that I did this.
I finally made my way up to the door before a whole waterfall of rain started to pour outside. “ Come on” I said out in frustration.  I struggled getting the key to properly fit into the keyhole, while I felt the breeze hit the back of my neck. Once, I got it unlocked I had to push my whole body into the door to get it to budge even a little. “Such a piece of trash, luckily it is not expensive “ I whispered to myself as I made my way into the front room. It looked as if someone still lived here. Fresh linen curtains despite covered in copious amounts of dust looked not a day out of the package you receive them in. The whole room was decked out in pictures of what seemed to be someone's family. As I walked the floor boards creaked with each step, I made my way to the end of a coffee table and picked up the object in front of me.
“Who are these people?” I wandered as I stared at the five people staring in the portraits. They all looked horrified beside the littlest girl in the picture, she held a huge demonic smile. The more I stared the more cold chills aroused on my skin. Right as I went to place the picture back I heard a shuffle and then clash of objects in the next room over. It spooked me, resulting in me to drop the picture instead. The picture shatter into pieces leaving only the little girl’s picture to stay intact behind glass. 
The glass was the least of my concern thought at this moment. I imagined to see a couple frisky raccoons scattering the kitchen raiding remaining food or trash but instead what I saw left me flabbergasted. Several pots and pans lied on the ground, I knew that had to have been the noise I had just recently heard. I was going to rule it off as may be just wind getting into the house through a cracked window and forcibly pushing them over. But, when I checked the windows around me they all were sealed shut exposing no air from the outside.
I stared outside through the window  admiring the emptiness around. The fields were stacked with tall blades of grasses that were relatively half my height. As I was staring I head a quick shuffle behind me followed by a faint sound of a child laughing. I looked around frighten, just as I was about to blow it off on my lack of sleep I saw the refrigerator and knew I wasn’t coming up with any of this anymore. The fridge door was filled with alphabetical colorful magnetic letters spelled perfectly to say, “ Get out now, this is not your home.” .
I leaned in to examine closer, but while I did I felt a tug on my trousers, I looked down to see a familiar three footed child smiling up at me. “ You’re the gi-” I started to say as I was interrupted by her small frail voice. “You might want to listen to that message mister, or else face the consequences the others did ” her voice squeaked as she stared at me with the same demonic smile.
I did not know how to respond. I never believed in anything like this and I was not going to now. I rubbed my eyes letting out a grunt hoping for the child to be gone. To my shock she was, however I knew it was time to get some sleep. I made my way up to the previously used bed, the sheets were tightly held by the corners of the bed covered in a glaze of dust and dead bugs. I ripped the sheet off replacing it with ones I had brought with me. I then made my way over to the bathroom. I began to wash my face with some water from the facet, cupping it then smudging my face in it. The lights began to flicker on and off. I looked up unaware of what to do. I reached for the doorknob and it would not unlock at all.
“I told you or else” The girl’s voice penetrated into my ears. Then the sound of laughter pierced my ears. I held my ears screaming “ Stop it “. I released the grip I had previously had on my ears as I realized the feeling of warm dampness on my hands. I looked down to see my hands dressed in a coat of blood. When I looked into the mirror my skin began to feel like it was stretching off my body. I let out a ear aching scream as I dropped to the ground.
I woke up in my car,” Wow I did not mean to fall asleep this long, but at least I slept out the storm.” I got out of my car, fumbled with the keys at the front door and then saw the room filled with a picture of five.

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