The Devil's Prophecy | Teen Ink

The Devil's Prophecy

January 31, 2017
By eagoodrich BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
eagoodrich BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“If someone has the equivalent amount of fear to the devil's power, the devil shall do as he wish to ensure that he keeps his power,” I looked up and I saw what looked like the devil. He had rotten teeth, and an ugly grin. He had a big black cloak on with two giant horns atop his red face. I could see his long, black, sharp nails.
“It is prophesized that you, Lana, will be the one with the fear, so expect to die soon,” he cackled. “Your nightmares, will warn you that the time of my arrival is near, so the more harm your nightmares bring, the closer I am to eliminating you.”

Two Years Later
I jolted my body up from my pillow. Sweat trickled down my face and forehead. I looked around at my cold, small room. A sharp pain arose in my neck. I slowly reached my hand up to my neck, and what I felt surprised me. Although I knew this day was coming, this was the first time my dreams had become a reality.
Thick, heavy, cold blood oozed from a deep gash in my neck. An alarming memory emerged from my mind. It was from my most recent dream, which was just moments ago. I remembered million upon millions of tiny mechanical flies, each diving at my neck, forming one big wound. They’re getting worse. He’s getting closer. I ran frantically into my parents room, which was straight down the hall.
“Mom!” I pleaded, shaking her violently. “Mom wake up!”
She answered groggily, “What’s wrong Lana?”
I rolled my eyes worryingly. “Don’t you see my neck? You have to take me to the hospital right away!” I cried.
My mom shot right up and woke my dad. She reached over her nightstand and turned on the light. My dad motioned me closer and examined my neck.
“Honey don’t be ridiculous. There is nothing on your neck. Go back to bed, it’s 12:00,” my dad explained. Both of my parents laid back down and closed their eyes. I grumbled in pain and frustration and stomped back to my room. I hopped into my bed and fell asleep. I had a feeling that I was going to have another nightmare…
The ground began to intensely shake. I found the closest table I could find and threw my whole body underneath it. I watched as all the plates and bowls poured out of their cabinets. There was an earthquake happening right now, inside of my kitchen. It was almost like the kitchen was playing dominoes, one shelf fell, and then and other one fell. Horrifyingly, I noticed the legs on the table above me were beginning to convulse, and the nails were coming loose. Paralyzed, I sat still, not even covering my head with my hands. My heart matched the beating of a rock band. It felt like the table had been breaking for hours, although it had only been thirty seconds. I just wanted the table to break already, I was prepared to die. It seemed to all happen in slow motion. One table leg crashed to the floor and the whole table became unbalanced. The second table leg was on the floor. The only two legs left were diagonal from each other, so the table was scarcely holding itself up. I knew that once the third table leg fell, the whole entire table would be on top of me. I glanced at the third table leg, and the wood was slowly cracking apart, sending wood chips flying all around the room. “Control your fear, Lana!” I heard a mysterious voice say. Suddenly, the whole entire leg broke off of the table, enabling the whole table to collapse on top of me.
                            _______      _______      _______
I opened my eyes as wide as I possibly could. I saw the same room that I have seen for the past seven years, my own bedroom. I could feel my head throbbing in pain. I felt the spot that in my nightmare the table collapsed on. There was a ginormous egg on the top of my head. I began to feel dizzy, and I saw stars. The last thing I remember before I went unconscious was looking at the clock, but I didn’t see the time, I saw the face of the devil. I knew my death was coming closer by the minute, and I rolled off of my bed.
                       _______    _______    _______ 
I woke up a little while later in the hospital. My mom and dad were looking at me from above. I heard people around me muttering something about me waking up.
“Lana, are you okay honey?” I heard my dad ask. I groaned while slowly opening my eyelids, and sat up in the uncomfortable hospital bed.
“What happened?” My mom looked at my dad with sympathy.
“Well, after you left our room, you went back to bed. A half an hour later, we woke up to a huge bang. Your father and I ran into your room and saw you on the floor, and we couldn’t wake you up.” My mom confessed.
I stared at her and my father worryingly. They continued to look at me in pity. A doctor appeared with what seemed like good news, based on his face.
“The results from the MRI are in. It was just a little case of dehydration. Just make sure to drink some water before you go to bed. After you sign the papers at the front desk, you are free to go.” The doctor explained.
My parents sighed in relief, but I shook my head disagreeing with what they had said.
“Time to go home, Lana,” my mother said interrupting me.
That is not at all what happened to me.
We arrived home from the hospital, and my parents forced me to go back to bed. They gave me a cold drink of water and sent me up to my room, and reminded me that I should always get a drink before bed. I hopped up in my bed and stared coldly at the ceiling. They think I have gone crazy, but I know that the doctor's conclusion wasn’t true. I remember what happened, it was another nightmare. I cringed as the memory of the nightmare came into view. The earthquake, it was terrible. The table, it crashed onto my head and knocked me unconscious. I remember screaming a little as I hit the ground. It was horrendous.
My room door began to slowly open. The devil, glided straight into my room. No. Please. No. My body seemed to be pulled out of my bed. I knew this wasn’t a nightmare. I knew this was really happening, for that was what the prophecy explained. The devil harshly grabbed my arm. He stared at me with his wide eyes as he gently pulled up my pajama sleeve. With his razor sharp nails, he began to engrave drawings into me. It was the most painful thing ever. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I glanced at my left hand and noticed what the devil had drawn. He engraved the numbers 666 on my hand. Right when he did that I understood, he was the devil, coming to kill me. The devil reached into his cloak and grabbed a knife. Crying, I looked at the clock, hoping that it would almost be time for my parents to come in my room and wake me up. It wasn’t that time though, it was 2:58. I didn’t know what else to do, so I sprinted out of my room.
He started chasing me, so I ran up the attic stairs. I regretted that the moment I touched the attic floor. Horrifyingly, I was trapped. I backed up against the wall. “Hello old friend. You know exactly what I’m here for,” the devil hissed. My body began to shake uncontrollably, I was too frightened to move. He closed in on me, and I felt his knife stab my heart. The pain was excruciating. It ran all through my body, and caused me to fall onto the cold attic floor. The earthquake was nothing compared to this. I felt like my bones were crashing down, and my body became limp. My eyes became incredibly drowsy, and I knew that there was no stopping my death. The last image I saw was the devil's terrifying face, staring into my eyes. His eyes were an ugly brown color, and they felt like they were digging into my soul. It is almost as if his eyes killed me, not his intensely sharp knife. Right before my heart stopped I heard a familiar voice. “Lana, there was a way to break the prophecy. If only you had listened to me and learned to control your fear, you wouldn’t have to deal with this,” the voice explained. I died that day at exactly 3:00 in the morning on Friday the 13th.

The author's comments:

My 6th grade LAL class was writing fantasy stories and I decided to write this story. I wanted people to have fun and be frightened while reading. 

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