Room 317 | Teen Ink

Room 317

January 25, 2017
By 17fracassik BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
17fracassik BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A man went to a hotel on a business trip. When he walked in he saw an elderly woman behind the counter. She was rather short with white greyish like hair. When he asked for a room and she said "room 316," with an old fashioned accent. When she went to hand him the room key she said,  “avoid room 317 as much as possible it's the room right across from yours." The man gave her a funny look, took the key and went on his way to find his room. That night the man was up all night wondering about room 317 wondering things like why did he have to avoid the room it looked normal maybe she didn't want him it mess it up maybe the room is getting rebuilt. As listened from his room to see if he could hear anything from the room 317 from his room. He couldn't, so he went closer to his door to see if he could hear anything, but he couldn't, so he went back to bed and wondered again. He fell asleep wondering.
The next day he woke up wondering about room 317. He decided to go ask the lady behind the counter about the room, but when he got to the counter, she was gone. So he wrote her a note, but didn't leave it on her desk he just put it in his pocket and walked back to his room. He stopped in the hallway and looked at the door that said 317 in gold lettering. Then he saw the keyhole and thought it wouldn't hurt anyone if he just took a quick look to see inside. What he saw was a very ghostly white person standing in the corner of the room looking at the wall, as a small child would when he or she was in trouble. Not thinking anything of it he went back to his room and got ready for bed. But when he got in bed he wondered about the women in the corner what was she doing there, why was she there, how long has she been there, is someone else there, if so, who? He had so many questions and he wanted answers. So he decided that the next morning he would give the note to the lady behind the counter or leave it there.
When he was leaving his room to go the counter, he stopped in the hallway again wondering if that woman was still in the corner. So he look through the keyhole and all he saw was red. Maybe they knew he was looking through the keyhole so they put a piece of paper over it. When he went up to the counter he saw the lady and he asked about the room
she sighed and said."did you look through the keyhole?" The man said "yes, twice"  the woman sighed and she told him the story. "A couple came a few of months ago and never left. They never come in or out of that room. They aren't normal people they are white with red eyes."
The man was shocked and looked frightened.
The woman asked if he would like to leave.
The man nodded "Very well," said the woman
"go pack your things." The man was speechless knowing when he was looking in the keyhole someone was looking in right back at him.
When he got back in his room he quickly packed his things and walked out in a rush as if he was late for something. He was standing in the hallway for the last time he thought, and it wouldn't hurt to have one last look. So he slowly lowered down on his knees and moved his head to look. With him being audacity; his hands shaking and him sweating in fear of what will happen, he looked in. He saw nothing. The woman was gone, and there was no one eye looking back at him. Then a knife come out as fast as a bullet, and hit eye. Now screaming in pain, he hears a laugh. Not any laugh but a wicked laugh a deep one like a man's and a high like a woman's. He is lying the carpeted floor in pain and confusion. Eventually, he gets up and looks in his pockets for his cell phone and finds a piece of paper. He was thinking it was the one he made for the lady behind the counter. The note was written in red. He unfolded the note, and it read “you shouldn't have looked.” He turns around and he sees the lady from being the counter. She yells," you shouldn't have looked through the keyhole." She being very accost pulls a gun and she shoots at him. He jumps up and runs. She's still shooting while he is still running. The gun shoots its last bullet hits his heart. He lays bleeding to death. Blood flowing from his eye and chest  while he lays there. Waiting to die he thinks to himself.
He shouldn't  have need looked through the keyhole or he should have gone to a different hotel. He should have listened to the lady and stopped wondering so much and he may still be alive. But he had to wonder and look through the keyholed only if he knew it would take his life.

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on Feb. 4 2017 at 6:46 pm
Teagan_Josephson GOLD, Conifer, Colorado
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”

Wow, freaky story