The Mirror | Teen Ink

The Mirror

December 23, 2016
By Gracelovesreading BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Gracelovesreading BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
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The Mirror was happy once.
It had forgotten all about the early months of its life, before The Little Master came into the Mirror’s life and changed everything. Now, sometimes, in the darkness of the night, the Mirror would try to reminisce. However, all it could remember was the fear, and confusion of its younger self surrounded by the unfamiliar darkness, having no idea that later in life, the Mirror would use the darkness as a safe haven.
The Mirror loved The Little Master. She was everything to it. She was its whole world.
To the Mirror, the world started the day the Little Master vanquished all the darkness, and stood in front of the Mirror in her glorious, radiant beauty. She was young, and innocent. A pure-souled and lovely little girl. Little Master didn't know about the Mirror’s feelings for her. She didn't know that every day, it fell more and more in love with the feeling of having her there, looking at her radiant reflection.
The Mirror was there for her, in her shiniest and brightest moments, and in her darkest and gloomiest days. It was there on the 9th birthday. When she put on the fluffy green ball gown, and twirled around the house. Oh, the Mirror would never forget how she looked then. So beautiful, and innocent. The Mirror had never liked the color green. But in that moment, while watching the Little Master fulfilling her princess dream, it was thankful for the color green for making The Little Master happy.
It was there when her soccer tryouts didn't work out. The Little Master fell down during the warm-up and cut her cheek. It was bleeding real bad, and she had to miss the rest of the tryout. When she went home, Little Master was in dismay. It was her last chance to be in the school’s soccer team. She would graduate and go to a new school, some place called High School next Fall. In front of the Mirror, she cried, and wept for her unfortunate dream. Seeing the Little Master like that, the Mirror just wanted to reach out and comfort her. It couldn't, and didn't need to. The smile soon came back on her face. For Little Master never let anything troubled her for long.
Then, came Fall, and Little Master started new school. Oh, how excited was she on her first day!
A few days before, Little Master spent a lot of time working on her new look. She had a new haircut. Her beautiful brown hair was shorter now. But also wavier. The Little Master also did something to her hair to make the brown a little lighter. She looked nothing short of perfect. The Mirror knew that, and deep down, so was she.
That first day, she woke up early. The sun hadn't completely risen over the tree, but she was already in front of the Mirror, prepare for school. Although, she had spent a great amount of time yesterday to pick out the perfect outfit, Little Master still lingered in front of the Mirror. She wanted her first day to be perfect, and so she wanted to make sure she had the perfect outfit for her perfect day.
That whole day, the Mirror was buzzing in anticipation. It was sure that her first day would be perfect. Still, it wanted to see her, to see the radiant look on her face. When she went home that afternoon, she didn't look as radiant as the Mirror had expected. High School wasn't what she had expected.
The next few days, things seemed to back to normal. Her smile was radiant again. A few weeks into the school year, The Little Master one day went home, and something changed. There was something strange about her. However, the Mirror was yet to know what.
That night, when she stood in front of the Mirror, staring at her reflection, the Mirror realized what had happened to its beloved Little Master. Her smile had gone. So did that proud look in her eyes. The way she now looked at her reflection was different than before. The look she had was devastating, and so so heartbreaking.
It broke the Mirror to see her like that. Before, there was that vibrant, joyous light in her eyes, now, the Mirror could only feel sadness, and dreadfully, even hatred in her eyes. Something had happened to The Little Master. Something had destroyed The Little Master.
And so, it became a ritual. Every night, The Little Master destroyed the Mirror more, and more by staring furiously at the image of herself. Things had changed between them. Before, The Little Master and The Mirror had always shared one vision. Now, however, what she saw in the Mirror had been locked up inside her brain, and The Mirror could never know what they were. That drove the Mirror insane, not knowing what she was seeing. Whatever images she cooked up of herself, The Mirror wanted to undo all.  It wanted her to see herself like the way the Mirror saw her, beautiful and flawless.
Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned to months. The Little Master still kept that gloomy look of herself. Until one day, The Mirror found itself changing. It still loved The Little Master. However, it was also angry at her. It was furious. The Mirror was tired of her, and her new lifeless look. It wanted her to either get rid of that look, or be gone herself.
The morning after The Mirror had the thought of wanting The Little Master gone, it found myself with a new change. That morning, things were the same. The Little Master walked in, eyes so lifeless. As she looked into the Mirror, a scary thing happened.
At first, she looked normal, then her image changed. Her short, wavy hair turned bushy. The brown of her hair became a lousy, mouse-like color. Her eyes became too big, they seemed to pop out of her skull. Her nose became crooked, and pointy. Her skin was covered with acnes, and became reddened as if she was sunburnt. This image of The Little Master horrified the Mirror. It could not believe the image she had created. The monster she had created.
After The Little Master had left for school, the Mirror came up with a plan. It loved The Little Master too much to let her keep suffering from that monster.
When she came home that night, she went to look at her reflection again. However, this time, she didn't know what joy she would soon receive when The Mirror relieve her from her monster. As her image started to transform, the Mirror started its plan. It was afraid that if it saw her image, it would be too scared to continue the plan.
The Mirror started shaking. A crack formed in the middle of the Mirror, and widened. The Mirror was in great pain. The cracking of its surface made the Mirror wanted to turned to dust. As the pain increased, the Mirror’s memories flashed to its early days. It had also been through a pain so painful to be made, and delivered to The Little Master. Oh, wasn't it poetic? The Mirror endured pain to be with the Little Master, and would now endured more to help her. The cracks kept widening. Until, the Mirror was broken into many pieces.
The shards flew everywhere. The Little Master didn't even scream. She just stared at the nothingness, at the hollow wall where the Mirror once resided. Through the shard, the Mirror saw no change in The Little Master. Her transformation had completed. The Monster was there.
Hopelessly, the Mirror flung itself in a desperate attempt. The biggest shard jumped up and landed on her wrist, causing a slice that opened her arteries. It fell down, and broke into many pieces. Droplets of blood dropped to the pieces scattered on the floor. The Little Master still stood there silently. Blood dripped from her wrist down to the floor. Until, at last, she didn't even have enough blood to stand up, or to open her eyes. The more blood dripped down from her wrist, the more she looked like her old vibrant self. The only difference was the gone if her smile, and the shining in her eyes, which were now dark and cold as ice.
The Little Master never opened her eyes. She never came back to look at the Mirror again. She was gone, just like its wishes. And back to the beginning, The Mirror became. With darkness surrounded it and became its friends. It stayed in the darkness for as long as it could count.

The author's comments:

I had many inspirations for this short story. From the movie Carrie, adapted from the novel by Stephen King, to a short movie I watched a few years ago starring Elle Fanning, and to the actual Mirror I have at home. 

I write the story as a way to show people how the consequences of bullying affects teenagers, how they can destroy a person until it leads them to the edge of suicides. But this story is also my way of getting into the heads of those bullied teenagers. Through this story, I want to understand them, I want to make sense their motives. And since, I can't put myself in their place, I put myself in place of a mirror, a very common thing. Then words, and images started to pour out. 

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