The Murder on the Train | Teen Ink

The Murder on the Train

December 2, 2016
By Anonymous

A pale pink envelope sits on a white coffee table right under the lamp, I grabbed it and opened it, I knew what it is before I opened it, but I guess I need the reassurance. I was invited to a party, not just any party, the Train Party. The name explained it all, every Saturday night there was a party on the train from Town Hall to Richmond, exactly at 02:45 until 03:45, this time I was invited. The dress code was pink, where anything pink and bring a booze. The Train Party is the most prestigious party, you need to be invited, and it costed me five-thousand dollars per party. It is weird, people would think that there no special party, but this is it, this is the exceptional party, the people that is in that party is not just any people, there are sons of CEOs, daughter of senators, people that are both wealthy and powerful. I happened to be the daughter of the biggest company in the country. 

On a Saturday night, the moment that I have been dreaming about has come, the Train Party, at 02:40 I arrived at the station, and I waited. At 02:45, the train arrived and I got into the train, wearing a pink cocktail dress, and brought a Jack Daniel. As the door closed, the light went out, and was shifted to colourful lights, a loud music came about, I hit the dance floor. Then I saw it, the murder, right at the back of the train, he was pushed out the train, I wasn’t drunk, I can remember it vividly. I pretended like nothing ever happen, I didn’t want to get myself into trouble, or be on the cover of a newspaper. I kept my mouth shut, I remember the guy that was murdered was Jake, he was the minister of education’s son, we were friends back in high school. I can’t believe what I saw, it all seemed to be a big fat lie, but the truth is, it isn’t, I guess I just can’t accept those facts.

Once you got invited, you always got invited, I wasn’t an exception. The next week, I attended the party again, I was dancing by the pole, when a man approached me and grabbed my by the waist, he asked me if I want to dance with him, I pushed him away. A few minutes later, he was murdered with a gun shot right between his eyes, I witnessed it, this time, I baffled. I asked myself, what is going on, but my instinct told me to kept my mouth shut and not talk about it. I went against my instinct and asked the leader, Matt, why the man was murdered. “It is what it is” he said, I was so confused, I didn’t fully understand what he meant by that. Each and every Saturday, I attended the party, I wanted to know what was going on, and every Saturday on that train there is always a person ended up in a body bag.

It has been 8 week now, 8 parties, 8 people died, since I attended the party, I kept track of who and how they were murdered. There is a pattern to it, each week they murdered a man or a woman based on their first letter of their name on alphabetical order. The first party I attended, Jake was murdered, the next week Kane was shot to death, the next week Larissa was poisoned, and so on. I figured it out, sadly there are already 18 people died, my first party was the 10th Train Party. I sent a tip to the Police Department as anonymous, and Matt was caught, he was charged with murder in the first degree, and was sentenced to prison for life. I visited him at the prison an asked him why he murdered those people,

“I was bored out of his mind, so I decided to create the Train Party and kill those prick each week” he said.
“prick?” I asked
“they think they can do whatever they want just because their parents are wealthy and powerful, they were nothing but a bully” he explained
“Did they bullied you, when you were at high school?” I asked
“they raped my younger sister, and posted a nasty video of her, she killed herself 3 years ago”. he said
“Eighteen of them raped your sister?” I asked
“Jake, Kane, Cody and Greg did, the rest, they distributed the video” he said
“I’m sorry to hear that, Matt, I really am” I said.

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