Hallow's Night of Fright | Teen Ink

Hallow's Night of Fright

November 7, 2016
By Spookysocks BRONZE, Paw Paw, Michigan
Spookysocks BRONZE, Paw Paw, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"what you put into something, is what your gonna get out of it" unknown

I looked out the window seeing nothing but fog. Then Margret whispers “ Shmity is it clear outside for us to go?” I looked back at her, then back outside seeing no movement “ I’m not sure Marg, haven’t seen anything for the last few minutes.” Then the doorbell rings pronouncing its classic ding dong throughout the house. “ It could be them…… I hope it’s someone else.” I slowly crawled from behind the couch acting like a sneaky little ninja hiding behind anything that I can. As I neared the door, once again the doorbell rings, scarring a squeak from my lips. 

I stood on my tiptoes barely able to see out the peephole. Breathing out a sigh of relief I open the door to a chorus of “ Trick or Treat!!” from children around the neighborhood. “ Marg” I yell “ Get the candy please, there’s trick or treaters here waiting for a little candy.” She replied with a crash as she knocked over the lamp reaching for the candy bowl on the counter. “ here you go” I said as I handed each of them a piece of candy
“ All right Marg I think we can get some candy of our own now.” I finished tying my mask on, grabbed my bag, and headed out the back door. We rounded around the house slowly going to the neighbors house, creeping around the decorations in awe of its fright and beauty. As we neared the front step I started shaking in fright mumbling over and over “ it might or might not be” My sister decided to push the doorbell even though she knew what may lie behind that door.

“I can’t do it” I cried and hid behind the closest thing… a bush, thankfully this bush was high enough for me to crouch behind. As I crouched in silence I awaited the door to open, for a few minutes nothing happened…. “ They’re not home” my sister said aloud “ oh well”  she began to walk away when we heard “ Welcome ……. To to the matrix will you take the red candy or the blue candy?” Mr Daniels said as he opened the door in a black trench coat. My sister said in a confused daze “ ummmmm what’s the difference? Does one make me fly while the other lets me swim?” Laughing Mr Daniels replied “ No my little girl they both will make you high on a sugar rush, but what color will you choose?” My sister still confused says bluntly “ I’ll take the blue candy, because it looks like the deep blue sea.” He reaches into his bucket and pulls out a one pound, blue, Reese peanut butter cup. “Here ya go youngster.” Marg skips away in delight.

I frown and look down in disappointment at my bag, my empty bag. I leave my hiding spot when he closes the door. We then traverse around the neighborhood gathering as much candy as we can. At the last house in the middle of the woods, my nerves have become used to my first year trick or treating here. But as we get closer to the house there’s a special room outside it and a sign read Please Come inside and await the witch
As soon as me and my sister stepped inside the lights went out and I was dragged to a corner…. Facing the corner, and someone whispered “ stay in the corner and await your turn.” I then hear nothing but my sister scream once, she didn't sound scared, yet I’ve never heard her scream this way before. Then the mysterious person comes back and in a hushed voice says “ trick or treat what would like to eat?” I was shivering in my ninja costume, scared out of my wits I whispered back “ I would like to eat a Whatchamacallit.” in response I hear “ ok it’s all yours happy halloween. Let me turn the lights on so I can give it to you.” and my eyes were stabbed by a flash of a neon light, that split the night.  I then realize what Mr Hutchins was going off of, he was using the movie Blair Witch Project to scare kids.

Me and my sister began to run, realizing what time it was. We were supposed to be home at 10 and it was 9:45 but there was a house still left to visit. This house was too in the woods on the way home, but unlike Mr Hutchins house this one was over a century and owned by the oldest town resident I think. As we were nearing the house me and my sister jumped from an eerie howl in the distance, “probably just a coyote.” I mumbled to her. When we reached the front porch I realized this was the old victorian house, and when we pulled the doorbell, bells rang off a tune I've never heard before. As we waited for the owner of the house to slowly approach the door with each creak, in the floorboards my nerves began to spike again.

I didn’t register what happened next for it was all too fast. The door opened and there stood before us was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life…… A clown, he was about 5’6 and his make-up was horrendous showing only the eyes, in his hands was something long, I couldn't tell what it was for it was obscured. When I saw this I bolted back home not knowing whether or not if my sister was following but the last thing I heard was “ hello little girl….”.

When I made it home I was shaking from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. My parents got home at 10:15 they walked in to find me on the floor curled into a ball stammering “ I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” till I had a voice no more.

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