missing sister | Teen Ink

missing sister

October 25, 2016
By emmastavrou BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
emmastavrou BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Tilly, wake up it's time,” Aunt Jane said pushing her long blonde hair back.
“Time for what?” I said
“Your new mission, Don't be upset about what I have to tell you,” she said tapping her freakishly small feet.
I nodded and felt nervous about what she is going to tell me. While she's telling me I’m thinking where are my brothers?
“Your sister has gone missing and you and your brothers are going to find her,” Aunt Jane said quietly.
“Why didn't you tell me at the same time as  them?” I asked sternly
“The agency told them and I wanted to tell you, because I know how close you are to her,”
I walked away thinking maybe she left a note. I went to our room and then I remembered she was texting me weird things, maybe there’s a code. While I was looking I checked if the code was in the first letter in every word, I got “ This guy is following me,” I started freaking out, then I texted my brothers the code.

My brothers are triplets and Taylor and I are twins. When we were 3 and my brothers were 4, our parents were on a mission and passed away. We went to  live with Aunt Jane in Cleveland after their fatal accident.
For the family meeting,  Zach, Tyler, and Adam came to the living room. Zach is the shortest of my brothers and he has long black hair, quite long for a guy,  and has small brown eyes. Tyler is the tallest and he has short hair. He is very muscular,  none of us mess around with him, Well,  only me because we are very close.  We are closer than Taylor and I. Adam is average height and he is blonde even though my parents were   dark haired.  He  looks a lot like Aunt Jane. Taylor is short, like me with  long brown hair with big brown eyes and freckles. I have long brown hair,  and dark brown eyes. My Aunt always says I look just like my mom. But everyone thinks Tyler and I are twins, which is very funny to us.
I remembered that we owned a storage unit in Lakewood. While I was driving there I thought,  what if I saw my sister dead. But just then as I pulled into the driveway I saw a monkey running with my sister over its shoulders. I chased them but they were too far away and I could not catch them. I don't understand why, but the only person I told was Tyler, I knew he wouldn't tell anybody but my other brothers.
“We have to find Taylor,” Zach said in a scared voice.
“I did, but the monkey was so fast and got away with her,” I said in a shaky tone. Zach looked at me and ignored what I said.
“It’s okay Matilda we all understand,” Aunt Jane said looking at Zach. She only calls me Matilda when she is nervous or angry.
“Should we check our room to see if she left anything because all I got was these weird texts that have a code and it doesn't show where she could be,” I said.
We went in our room to look around. I looked in her laptop,  in case there was a clue.  Zach checked her desk.  Tyler checked her closet. And  Adam was checking her nightstand where she put a lot of her things.
After we could not find any clues in the room, we decided to check the kitchen. As I went in the kitchen, I  tripped because my, german shepard Lola was in my way, lying on the floor. As I fell, I hit my hand on the run down dishwasher, and fell on Lola, causing something green to fall off her collar. It was a note and it said storage unit!!  I checked the storage room in the house and saw nothing only an air mattress. There's a lot of places where she could be and I texted my brothers. We all had a big laugh that a note was on Lola and how I found it by tripping on her. We looked at the time and it was 2:00am, and we were all so worn out we decided to rest until morning to resume our search.
        I could hardly sleep thinking about the note on Lola. As I looked at Taylor's bed, my eyes welled up with tears,  thinking of how much I was missing her. As I cuddled up to Lola, I was able to fall asleep and finally get some rest after the long emotional day.
I woke up and looked at my gold colored clock, I hit the snooze button, because is was making noises. I then looked out my window to see the trees in my backyard. In the trees I saw a figure. So I rubbed my eyes and the figure was still there. I slipped on my shoes and ran out my door. The figure was big and scary!!  It was a lot bigger than me but then again everything is bigger than me as I’m only 5’1. He looked at me with his steely, mean looking eyes and motioned to me and spoke.
“Do you have a sister named Taylor?” he said matter of factly.
“Uh, yes, do you know where she is,” I said very nervously.
“I know where she is, now get ready and meet me at McDonalds and we’ll talk more about it,” he said as I walking away slowly.
I was wearing my big t-shirt and my sweat pants and needed to get ready. So I put on leggings and my favorite sweatshirt and texted my brothers about what had just happened, but none of them answered which was odd, because they always answer, texts. I looked at the time at it was 5a.m. I had to get going to meet the man in the trees.
When I got to McDonald's I recognized him right away. I slowly walked over to the table he was at and sat down across from him. I grabbed  my laptop out of my backpack to be able to write down clues and any other information he could give me, but all he said was “trailer”.
I looked up in confusion, “what?”
“She's at a trailer park near the college,” he said sternly.
“When you get there it's the fifth home on the left,”
I left without hesitation and did not order any food even though I was famished. As I got home I ran to my room and do some research on the college and the trailer park. This was crazy, but it is apparently run by a real monkey named Annie. She doesn't have a criminal record which is good, but has a nasty odor.
I went to the trailer park, I walked a fast pace but I was sure to be quiet. In my hurry I accidentally walked into the wrong side of the trailer park which was super awkward because all the residents  just stared at me with confused looks. When I got to the right place, it was scary and run down looking, but I had to go in and check it out. So I jumped in through a window and landed in dirty clothes, that smelled like old dirty diapers and onions.
“Is someone here,” a voice said.
I didn't say a word because I'm scared to death. As I walked closer I could hear my sister crying, it was coming from behind me. I turned slowly to see what was going on. It just happened to be my brother Tyler. I was so relieved to see him, I hugged him with all my might and we began to run to the sounds of my sister’s cries for help!!
Just then a booming voice yelled, “What are you doing here?”
“We’re here to get our sister who you took from us!” Tyler yelled back.
Just as Tyler yelled that,  4 people came out and tried to tackle both of us, but we were too quick and were able to dodge them. As I ran away I saw an unguarded door. So, I ran to it and opened it and quickly shut the door behind me and Tyler. I heard a very familiar voice say, “Tilly and Tyler is that you?”. It was my sister Taylor!

   I reached down and hugged her and began to untie her hands and feet, and just then I saw the monkey they call Annie. She hissed at me like a snake and jumped at Tyler and myself. We began to fight, man was that monkey strong, but Tyler and I were able to restrain her and call the police.
As the police arrived and arrested Annie the monkey, I could hear her say, “If it weren’t for those meddling kids I would have gotten away with it.” I thought to myself, whatever Annie, the crazy monkey, don’t mess with me and my sister. Have fun in jail you crazy monkey. The police told us all  about how Annie was kidnapping people and we had stopped her, so they gave us a lifetime of free food and drinks from Starbucks and a new house with ten bedrooms so that we all can have a room to ourselves!!

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