Dinner at Lewie's | Teen Ink

Dinner at Lewie's

October 12, 2016
By Anonymous

Balanced on a staggering ledge in Hawaii, was a small but elegant house.   Lee stood on the doorstep, preparing to meet the friend with whom he had frequently played online chess.  Lee was eager to finally meet Lewie face to face and he had flown in just for this purpose.   “This is going to be a spectacular night,” thought Lee as he knocked with a soft but repetitive pattern.
After a moment, a tall dark man opened the door.  The man had a smart looking beard and heavy brows over his small eyes.  “Hello, Lewie?  I am Lee.  I am a bit earlier than expected.  I hope that you don’t mind.”   Lewie smiled invitingly and opened the door for Lee to enter.  “I am so thrilled to see you,” replied Lewie as he walked over to his dining table.  “I live alone here, as you can see, and I am hungry for company and a good game of chess.  Shall we play a game before dinner?”  Lee agreed, and the men sat down at the table near an ornate glass chess set.  They began to play as they had done so many times before.  Only this time, they were facing each other rather than screens connected by the web.    
Lee noticed that Lewie felt the chess pieces as they played.  It occurred to Lee that Lewie’s vision was weak.  Lewie offered Lee a drink and he eagerly accepted.  Lewie swiftly shuffled towards the kitchen.  The house was so dimly lit that Lee could barely see the floor.   But Lewie, obviously, had the house mapped out in his head and walked sure footedly through his home.  
Lewie brought back a violet drink, one could mistake as grape juice.  Lee was very thirsty and eagerly took the glass.   “Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” Lee hinted as his stomach grumbled.  Lewie smiled, “My pleasure.”   “Not to rush you, but what are we havin?”   Lee tried more directly.  Lewie waved his hand, “Not to worry, dinner will be prepared soon.”  Less than convinced, Lee took a drink of the strange concoction.  His face burst into a smile, “what is this? It is marvelous!”   Lee grabbed the glass and greedily took another gulp.  “Just a little something I… threw together.”   Lewie said as he moved his rook.    Lee took another drink before exclaiming, “Ah, well you must be a natural!  I would love the recipe.”   Lewie smirked and waited for Lee to move a piece on the board. 
Lee moved a pawn to block the rook.  “Your home is so unique, but you must be lonely here all on your own.  I live in a busy city, but I can appreciate the natural charm of this place.”  Lewie considered the board again before taking out the pawn with his rook.  “The solitude suits me.  But I do miss having dinner guests, such as yourself.”  Lewie looked up at Lee and noticed a slight tremor in his hand.  “It is colder here on the mountain.  Let me get you a blanket to keep you warm.” 
Lee wanted to protest, but realized he was feeling a bit chilled.  That was odd since he was warm enough when he arrived.  He waited until Lewie returned with a soft silky blanket.  Lee thanked his friend and put the blanket over his shoulders.  Lee carefully moved the bishop into place to create a trap for Lewie’s queen.  This strategy had worked once before last Christmas. 
Looking around in the dim light, Lee admired the architecture of the room.  “This place is amazing, so much detail.  How long have you lived here?”  Lewie looked around the room vaguely.  “Thank you.  I designed it myself.  One of my better designs, if I may say so.”  Apparently distracted, Lewie moved his queen right where Lee had planned. 
Gleefully, Lee moved his queen and exclaimed, “checkmate!”  He grinned across the table at Lewie.  His friend had always been a poor loser, sometimes not playing a new game for days after losing a match.  But Lewie looked remarkably composed.  “So you have, so you have.”  Lewie confirmed as he leaned back in his chair.  “You look so tired from your journey, perhaps we can play a rematch later.  But for now, why don’t you just rest while I see to dinner.”
Lee tried to offer his help, but Lewie insisted.  In fact, Lee realized he felt so very exhausted that he would not be much help anyway.   Lewie tucked the blanket around Lee and then moved quietly back to own his chair.  Lee was confused, because Lewie had promised dinner would be ready soon.  Lee tried to make sense of the issue, but he felt more and more drowsy in the silky blanket.   Wearily, he tried to ask about dinner.  Lewie just pulled Lee closer.   In a way it was comforting, but it was also oddly wrong.  “Your game was well played Lee, my friend, but I am afraid that I have won.  I usually do.”  Lewie sampled a sip of his dinner politely.  “Your friends were right, you know, you should never play games with a spider.”

The author's comments:

The names were based off of Hawaiian names.

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