Lost in the world | Teen Ink

Lost in the world

October 5, 2016
By Melan BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Melan BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 It was close to midnight. Autumn leaves on the floor and the cold wind blowing against my face. It wasn’t long before my mom came to tell me it was time to go to sleep. Sleeping that night wasn’t easy for me because I kept thinking of what the real world was like. I was never the type to go out with friends or cruise around with my mom. I really had no idea what was out in the world. But It was a random thought that had come to my mind. I’m also not the type that sits around and stays curious for the rest of my life. I like to go out and discover the unknown. And so I did. It was about to be one when I was headed out the door. Of course I didn’t tell my mom I was leaving, if I did, I would have been going nowhere. So I snuck out through our back door and was finally outside. We lived near the woods and I decided that that would be the first place to discover. I carried my backpack with me which had a water bottle and a pocket knife inside. From what I have heard on tv, the world out there wasn’t a very safe place. So a pocket knife for me was a good idea. While I was walking through the woods, the flashlight I had with me was no good. The batteries no longer worked, luckily I had extra ones in my backpack. I decided to sit on a log that I had found and decided to change the batteries. While I was doing that, I hear the leaves crunch behind me, I look back and see no one. I heard it again but this time I see a dark shadow pass right in front of me. I immediately got up and started running. I look back and see a person running right behind me, when i turned to look forward I crashed into a tree trunk. As I opened my eyes, I noticed I wasn’t in the woods anymore. I was somewhere wet, somewhere where i was floating. As my focus started coming back, I realized I wasn’t near home or the woods.. I was in the ocean.

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