A Blink | Teen Ink

A Blink

April 29, 2016
By Anonymous

A girl travelling on the long and abandoned alley winked at him. He blinked, apparently surprised, and he looked at her again; however, her presence was missing. Surprised, he blinked again and looked at her - at least where he thought she was - and now, she was there. What, he thought, as he blinked again and she was long gone, again. He looked around the place; the stores were closed, and the alley went far before turning around a corner. There was nowhere she could go so fast. Nowhere she could go within blinks...within seconds...Looking around, he was absolutely certain that she was not on the street. Once he blinked again, however she was there. It was as though she was already there. For some really abnormal reason, the girl appeared and disappeared every time he blinked. “Hello,” she said, “why are you blinking so repeatedly?” He didn’t answer her, too astonished by her behavior….or was it his behavior?  But, he thought, this was probably not because of his blinking because everything - yes absolutely everything - was normal when he blinked back home at Mars.

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