White Nurse | Teen Ink

White Nurse

April 12, 2016
By reneeohno BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
reneeohno BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today at the hospital was pretty slow. No one new people came today. I've just been lying in my bed watching the nurses pass by my door. Every once in awhile the nurse will come and check on me and give me my meds.
About an hour after the last nurse came another one came in wearing all white. She had blonde hair and her name tag said Sally. When she walked in she stood in the doorway for a odd amount of time. I didn’t care but I thought it was weird. 
She walked in and went over to the IV stand. She put my medicine in the IV and then looked at me. She didn’t say anything, she just stood there looking at me. After about two minutes of her staring at me she walked out of the room.
After she left I took a twenty minute nap. When I woke up my normally scheduled nurse walked in.
“Oh Sally already came in and gave me my medicine”, I told her.
“Really I didn’t know we had a nurse named Sally here”, she answered.
“Yea she was wearing all white”, I said.
“Ummm, we don’t wear white here”, she said.

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