Halloween Story by Mimi | Teen Ink

Halloween Story by Mimi

April 12, 2016
By Anonymous

Once there was two bestfriends on a Halloween night that went trick-o-treating. By the end of the night,their candy bags were full with candy, but they wanted to have something very special about that Halloween. The only house they haven't went yet is the creepy old house at the end of the lane. Also known as the forbidden part of the neighbourhood unless, of course you have a death wish. Some people say that they heard sobbing and wails throughout the night. Some say it's just the creatures of the night, some say the house was haunted.

Now,about the two best friends. One was named Reece and the other named Chloe. Both of them are in the same school and had been friends since birth. Both like taking risks and very adventurous. Reece thought it would be fun if they went exploring around the so called haunted house. Chloe at first disagreed thinking it was a bad idea. But, who could resist the sparkling puppy eyes of Reece and pouted lips. They found themselves walking towards the haunted house. As soon as they stepped in the house, almost instantly they felt cold and eerie. Eventhough Chloe knew that this was a bad idea, she followed Reece anyway for she had been in love with him. Little did she knew that Reece had always felt the same..

They went up the stairs,creaking sound echoing around the house. The brave couple foolishly went to each room and went through everything. Of course they found strange things such as voodoo dolls and potato skins. They had a strange feeling but chose to ignore it. Refusing to take that as an warning to get out of the house, they continued their little journey around the house. Suddenly, while getting out of a bedroom, the door slammed shut with a loud bang. Panic filled Reece’s heart. His best friend, quite possibly his lover locked inside a room in a haunted. Chloe’s scream filled his ears. “Run Reece! Run! Never look back!” Chloe screamed. Reece obeyed and ran back home like a madman.

Begging for help was all he could do. He heard footsteps behind him but to scared to care. As soon as he stepped his house, he dashed up the stairs,straight to his room and slammed it shut. Not even bothering to greet this parents who are watching television in the living room. Downstairs, his parents was puzzled with Reece’s behaviour. Upstairs, Reece covered himself with his blanket with hope to sink in the loud sobs. Surrounded by stuffed animals and heart shaped pillows given by Chloe. Sadness and disappointment quickly filled him and not to mention, the guilt that is eating him alive. The next day, he went straight to the haunted house but this time, accompanied by his two friends.

They dashed up the stairs and went to the bedroom that Chloe was locked in. They tried opening it but it won't budge. So, they knocked the door down. The door creaked open and inside lay Chloe on the floor facing the wall. Loud sobs echoed throughout the room. Reece bolted towards Chloe and kissed her forehead in order to comfort her. Reece stared at her. Something was wrong. Her piercing blue eyes replaced with dull,lifeless green eyes. Thinking it was because of the crying,he left the matter like that. Reece and his two friends guided Chloe out of the house. Step by step they went out of the cursed house safety, or so they thought. Suddenly,they heard loud wailing and giggles around the house. Frighten, they quickly ran to the door which was only a few steps away. BANG! The door slammed shut and again,giggling was heard. Reece found himself alone. Chloe was gone and his friends are lying on the floor,blood pooling around them.

He frantically tried to find Chloe. All of a sudden, he heard Chloe’s sweet voice. Reece saw Chloe ran towards him with an incredible speed. Her thin hands automatically wrapped around Reece’s waist. Without hesitation, Reece quickly took Chloe’s hand and dashed out of the house before anything could happen. Something was wrong about Chloe. She hasn't said anything ever since they stepped out of the house. Reece observed her and realised.This is not Chloe.Never had he noticed that Chloe’s perfect smile now replaced with a devilish grin.Eyes dull as ever. A non-existing scar along her right eyebrow. This hit him hard in the heart. This is not Chloe. The real Chloe is still in the house. A piercing scream echoed through the neighbourhood. Most importantly, it was Chloe’s scream. It’s too late now. Reece can already imagine Chloe’s sweet innocent face crying in agony,blood splashing. Reece felt so guilty. He will never see Chloe ever again. He never had a chance to confess his love to her. Few days later, he committed suicide. His parents was beyond devastated. ‘Chloe’ watched from afar Reece’s funeral, grinning widely. Now ‘Chloe’ had the life she always wanted.

The author's comments:

This story is based on Mimi , my friend's experience 

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