An old life | Teen Ink

An old life

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a terrible Sunday afternoon, rain was pouring harder than ever before but a young, child, that was about five years old was sitting they're enjoying it. He had never been scared not even once because he had always been with his loving parents, unit that very day. When the parent decided that they could leave their child at home for a little, while they went to the store to get milk. At first, the child was thrilled that his parent were going to leave him home alone for the first time, but after a while the child thought about it and the more he began to think about all of this terrible thing that could happen. Just as his parent were about to left he shout “Wait” the parent stunned by the loud scream and asked the child what had happened and he proclaimed that he wanted to go but the parent told him they would only be gone for five minutes but, still the kid worried that something might happen. As some as his parent were gone he heard a very light tapping coming from a window. The child was terrified he want to check the window and to his surprise, nothing was there he was reified. Only a few minutes late he would hear the tapping again, this time, louder and faster! The child made himself believes that it might have been the wind, or something else. Then the child heard knocking coming from the door but, didn’t answer. He kept waiting and waiting for the person, or thing to left. The child continued telling himself that it was the wind or something else, but he knew couldn't have been. Then he heard a door open. He stood as still as a tree. Not even the slightest of movement could have been seen from the child. Then he saw what had been hunting him a creature so foul that it cannot be described. The child wanted to scream but simply could not instead he held still unit the creature turn and said "You will never see me again but, remember I'm always here. You can't get rid of me no matter how hard you try I will be here forever. Sweet dreams child."
The end.
Tell me what the creature looks like

The author's comments:

I wrote his for fun

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on Mar. 14 2016 at 11:36 am
emperorshowaorhirohito SILVER, Norridge, Illinois
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you are bad