What Hides in Our Sleep | Teen Ink

What Hides in Our Sleep

December 3, 2015
By Anonymous

Tonight I was supposed to be alone… well I am, yet at the same time I am not.  There is something else here with me tonight, and it is not friendly.  I guess I should start from the top; I am a sleep scientist.   I monitor people from the viewing lab, as they lay down in their sleep and a machine monitors them during it.  It is my job to monitor the R.E.M.’s (Rapid Eye Movements) of people’s brainwaves as they sleep, and make sure they do not do any harm to themselves.  My job isn’t very amazing, most nights I sit here listening to music as I stare blankly at the hypnotic lines dancing across the screen of the computers.

However, every now and then it gets interesting.  In my job, I’m not allowed to wake a patient unless they start to do harm to themselves or other patients.  A patient will get up and walk around, and it’s my job to try and guide them back to their bed so they don’t harm themselves or other patients.  The strangest case we had was when a patient ripped off all of his wires in his sleep, and the proceeded to pound on the door.  The odd part about it was that the wires are secured with a type of glue that we need a solvent to remove them with without hurting the patient, yet he never woke up, he was always asleep.
The reason I decided to settle in this type of job was because of my brother.  Growing up I always looked up to my brother.  He was only 4 years older than me, and whatever he did, I was always doing it with him.  Unlike most kids, he never really cared that I always followed with him.  The year I turned 9 everything changed though.  I noticed that he would get out of his bed and scream, or he would wake up with self-harm injuries from his nails.  I only confronted him once about it, yet he denied ever knowing about them, and just got mad at me.  I knew something was up, because once a week he and my parents would disappear for a while to a “chiropractor.” As time went on my brother slept less and less, and his night terrors would get only worse.  He fell behind in school, and was constantly drowning on talking about the “demons” that stalked him.  My brother was diagnosed with parasomnia, multiple personality disease, and paranoia schizophrenia.  Meaning that in his mind during sleep his REM’s were being blocked by disruptions in his brain, such as nightmares, or his schizophrenia making his mind believe he was under attack. 
As the years pressed on, I passed up my brother in maturity and in mental capacity.  I decided that I was study R.E.M. patterns of people, hoping to help people like my brother.  I graduated college at the age of 16, with top honors and a Ph.D. The thing that not a lot of people know about obtaining a Ph.D. in a science is that you need to write a new study on the subject you are going into.  I wrote one on the pattern of R.E.M.’s based off of my brothers unusual sleep patterns, and discussed the theory about how it could be a reality for the patient, not something in their head.  There is something called lucid dreaming.  This is when you can control what you do in your dream, because you realize that you are just in a dream, so you have full control over everything that you do.  So technically, in the victims mind it is their own reality, because to them they think of it as a reality and think it’s going on. It’s like a reverse lucid dream for the victims, that’s why they don’t wake up during it like most people, because they have bought into it after the years of mental torture.
The thing is, it wasn’t a theory, they proved me to be right, and I changed the entire field for everyone else.  So now because of my life changing way of thinking I get to stand in a room all of the time watching people sleep,  looking for a change, hoping that I can figure out something amazing by watching the lines on a monitor moving up and down. 
Now that I have finally explained events to get you to here, I can catch you up to the dilemma which is present.  Currently it is 1:04 am, and tonight there is only one patient in the sleep room.  Yet every now and then another monitor will act like it caught something else under it, as if there was another thing in the room.
It is now 1:09, and the patient’s monitor is now acting up.  It is spiking up and down with his R.E.M.’s, it claims he is in both a R.E.M. sleep and a non R.E.M. sleep.  The difference is that a R.E.M. sleep is filled with intense dreams, and a fake reality.  A non R.E.M. sleep is very hard to awaken someone from, and it strengthens a person and regrows tissues.  It should be next to impossible for a person to keep switching back and forth like this.  It is like something is fighting him and trying to change him in his sleep. Yet his body is denying it at the same time.  I’ve never seen something like this. I had to figure out if I should wake him or not, but I can’t as I explained earlier, I’m not allowed to unless he is doing harm to himself or others.  So for now, all I can do is sit here and log down everything that is happening.
About 20 minutes have passed, the clock now reads 1:30 a.m.  The patient is now shaking rapidly.  I have to open the door and run in there right now, I believe he is having a stroke.  I went down the stairs that leads into the room.  As I opened the door, I caught a flick of movement from the shadows.  I ignored it and ran over to the patient, when all of the sudden with the force of a small truck, I was propelled across the room.  With red eyes, and black brimstone colored-skin, lined with traces of blood red, and the smell of rotting flesh, a creature of empowering height was directly where I was residing at 20 feet away from me.   It picked up the patient before I could recover from the truck like blow I had received, and turned him right next to me…  But the patient in his hands was me. Well not me, but if I had a doppelganger, it was this guy, down to almost every detail except different clothes.  I don’t know why, but I began to charge at the beast.  It found this funny, and dropped the other me, and instead picked me up now.  Before I could react, the behemoth snapped my neck.
I awoke in an instant… I regained my senses, I noticed I was on a bed in a room with about 10 other beds, hooked up to wires all alone.  Then down came a man from a balcony and he asked me how I was feeling. I have never recognized this man before, so I asked him who he was.  He responded with “I am a sleep scientist, and we were trying to figure out if by monitoring your sleep, we could find some ways to fix your parasomnia and Multiple personality disorder.” “I take it you’re a personality who hasn’t experienced this before this time, Tell me, do you think you are yourself? Your brother? Tell me do you know who you are anymore?”

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as an assignment for my class, but liked it so much I decided to post it here for others to view.

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