The Little Fish | Teen Ink

The Little Fish

May 8, 2015
By Ashleyvdb8 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Ashleyvdb8 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything is okay in the end if it's not okay then it's not the end

A raindrop fell from the sky and on to the window as Lilith Rogers watched in the process of escaping into the river. She felt the freedom of the little raindrop and the journey it took all the way from the heavens. As she walked back to her dungeon of a house she looked at the road of longing, staring right into the eyes of her dreams reaching to touch them, but they were too far gone. She     trudged up the hill and through the door as she saw the dustpan and broom where she left it, where she always left it laying around after her daily chores. She silently walked up the stairs knowing that one sound would mean certain doom. As she looked in the dark, eerie room peering at the sleeping man that claimed to be her father, and the empty space next to him where her mother should have been. As she laid down her head silently counting the days till she could leave to find the women, the women who would love her just like in her dreams.

     The next morning she woke up to the sound of glass breaking and she knew the day was starting. Her father was mad again, breaking the glasses that Lilith would eventually have to pick up. The father in the kitchen thinking of the time when the glasses represented celebration and happiness, but as they stared at him all they uttered were the words of loss and absence. The tears once again washed off the dirt on his face, he looked at his daughter on the stairs, such familiarity of the features belonging to the women who he loved.

“ Clean up this mess now, before she sees, and do the rest of your chores then go to school,” he grumbled.

She silently nodded and grabbed her best friend- broom and dust pan. Cleaning up the pain was her job it was always her job to clean up the pain left behind. She hastily did what was asked and walked the 3 miles to school. Hood up don’t let them see you, she thought as she walked past another smirk or judging grin. Her eyes wandered around at all the faces in the crowded hallway, but only one caught her eye- Damien Lucent. The new student with the widely known face and the macabre eyes. Always talking to a lonely girl, or a puny boy, some how always putting a smile on their sad, sad faces. As Lilith walked past Damien, Damien knew who his next victim or client was. Lilith watched Damien’s eyes looking right into her soul, feeling his presence.

“Hello Lilith,” Damien said watching her closely.

Lilith couldn’t believe he knew her name no one knew her name, not even the teachers. “Hello,” she whispered in stunness.

Damien knew all he had to do was put the bait on the hook and she was his.

“Lilith I’ve been meaning to talk to you for awhile, I’ve really wanted to get to know you,” he said carrying on, “this might be too soon but I was wondering if tonight you would like to meet me by Green Soul park, right by the school,” he asked smiling.

She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t think all she could do was gently nod her head.

“Great see you tonight,” he said walking away with a smile or more of an evil grin.

But Lilith didn’t care, for the first time someone wanted to talk to her, to her the people at school all called her freak while the rest didn’t even know she was alive.

    That night was darker than usual. The clouds held more of a somber feeling, and the moon looked a red with a bit of orange. She could barely make out the figure in the park 

but when she saw two people she rapidly hid behind a slide.

“Think about the offer it’s one in a million, why feel broken when you can feel free,” said the voice she instantly recognized as Damien’s, but the other voice, the one she knew all too well sent a chill down her spine.

“I can’t live like this I just, I can’t I have to get her back,” the voice of her “father” said as he picked up a bag and dumped all of it’s contents onto the street.

All she could see was the glittering of the silvery contents in fact the silvery contents that belonged to her,the last beauty of her mother she had. She could feel the anger coming from Damien. Damien was mad this punk had the audacity to cross him trying to sell his daughters things, he thought he would make a deal with this filthy man but the truth is he was just going to take what’s left of his soul. Lilith sat and watched as her father crumbled to a heap on the ground all that was left was the brown stained shoes.

“Lilith come out behind that car and let’s chat a minute,” Damien said already knowing exactly what to say.

Lilith slowly stood up she didn’t know if she should run and hide, and cry about her father, or thank the kind gentlemen for the colossal deed he just did her. Damien tapping his foot getting a little impatient, but knowing that good things come to those who wait. Lilith walked over to Damien as carefully as she could making sure to not to have her black boots be the last of her.

“Little Lilith oh do I have a deal of a lifetime for you,” he said winking to the shadowy figure.

“What, what did you do to to him,” she barely managed.

“No one double crosses me and get’s away with it, anyways more important matters to discuss here Lilith, what if I said I could offer, oh an escape and a map.” he said lowering the bait into the water.

“What do you mean and escape from what, “ she asked thinking about the road of longing and the free falling raindrop.

“Well what if I said I could provide a way to get out of this miserable little life you have here and add in a treasure map for no harsh feelings,” he said watching the little fish swim closer and closer to the bait.

“ What is the treasure and how could you do it,” she asked again walking a bit closer to him.

“ Well the cool thing about the treasure is that inside the box is whatever your heart desires and I think we both know what that is a for the escaping part well let’s just say it’s my specialty of knowing how to do that,” he said the fish taking a tiny bite, testing the waters.

“Well I suppose you aren’t going to do this for free I don’t have any money to give you, and I don’t think the sliver is it either,” she said staring at the shiny silver.

“Haha no no Lilith, it’s something everyone has that isn’t super meaningful, it only requires… your soul,” he said.

Lilith wanted to scream and leave right there but as she pondered the strange offer she saw it wasn’t all that bad.

“If, if I say yes my soul is yours,” she asked.

“Yes, but let’s just say that how could you refuse such an offer, it really is the deal of a lifetime,” he replied.

Lilith, little Lilith knew the people at school called her a freak and she knew that her mother left her.

“Yes,” she whispered, “Yes,” she said with more confidence.

Damien watched as the fish took the bait finally getting hooked onto his hook as he pulled it out of the water.

   Lilith felt a little empty, a little lighter without her soul. But, she could already see the changings. So did the people at school, they started to talk to her, they even knew her name. She was what is that word, oh happy. Damien never showed up to school again and soon just like his presence, his memories started to fade as well. All was well for Lilith she felt like a somebody. One night as Lilith lay her head down to sleep she  saw darkness in her room, this black darker than dark, colder than cold. The voices leaked from the dark

“We are coming for you little Lilith, we are coming,” And they dimmed back into the dark.

From that moment on Lilith held the bible close and her cross necklace closer. She would pray every night for forgiveness. But, part of her knew she had done something unforgivable. The treasure map Lilith had received stared her in the face, and she knew that is was her mother.That was what her heart desired the most. But little Lilith was so afraid of the devil, but even more afraid that if she saw her mom in that treasure box that the unforgivable thing she had done would make her mom leave again. So Lilith sat on her bed and wept with the bible on her chest and the map on her heart.

   Three years later was the graduating class, everyone voted for Lilith to speak at the graduation. Lilith was in her blue robe and cap sharing the fun memories she had, had with the school years, leading everyone to reflect on the memories.

“Our futures depend on us and us alone, we all have an amazing future ahead of us,” as she spoke those words in the corner of her eye she could see a face that had the macabre eyes.
Her heart fell to her stomach as she saw the white car big enough for only two. He mouthed the words, “are you ready”? With the motion of his hand to come to him. Lilith knew that graduation that every one did have a future and that their futures depended on them. Just like she’d chosen what she had gotten, but as she got into the car she took one last look at the people who would get to have a future. And the last thing she saw was her mother’s proud eyes staring back at her.A raindrop fell from the sky and on to the window as Lilith Rogers watched in the process of escaping into the river. She felt the freedom of the little raindrop and the journey it took all the way from the heavens. As she walked back to her dungeon of a house she looked at the road of longing, staring right into the eyes of her dreams reaching to touch them, but they were too far gone. She     trudged up the hill and through the door as she saw the dustpan and broom where she left it, where she always left it laying around after her daily chores. She silently walked up the stairs knowing that one sound would mean certain doom. As she looked in the dark, eerie room peering at the sleeping man that claimed to be her father, and the empty space next to him where her mother should have been. As she laid down her head silently counting the days till she could leave to find the women, the women who would love her just like in her dreams.

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