Broken | Teen Ink


March 3, 2015
By Anonymous

I sat there in the dark, looking at my reflection through the broken mirror. The lamp was flickering, so the room wasn't pitch black, giving me some sort of satisfaction. The floor was growing colder and the noises around me started to become softer, I knew he was coming. The thought of him showing up in the broken pieces of my mirror, sent chills down my spine. The waiting killed me, I was ready to just get this whole nightmare over with. The floors started to creek, and the satisfaction that I once had, is now gone. The light went out and it was only me and the darkness. The door finally opened, and the light from the streets flowed into the once dark room. I felt my heart start to pound and my stomach dropped. I heard him breathing, I felt him staring, I knew he was here. He crept closer until I felt his warmth, I knew what he was doing, and I knew what I had to do. He knocked down my already shattered mirror, and I knew at that exact moment, my time had come. He took off his mask and put on his gloves, I knew this would be quick, but I was still hesitant. Seconds later, the deed was done. I was scarred for life, but at least it was over with, this pain was going to be temporary. The man left, closing the door, leaving me once again all alone in the darkness of the night.

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