Cold and Wet | Teen Ink

Cold and Wet

January 26, 2015
By HenryS. BRONZE, Opelika, Alabama
HenryS. BRONZE, Opelika, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boy didn't want to open his eyes. He laid in an inch of cold water, on what he assumed to be tile floor. The boy didn't know where he was, but he knew that he shouldn't be here. The sound of dripping water was near, and he felt light drops of cold, icy water falling across his body. Although he was scared, the boy's curiosity forced is eyes open to see his surroundings. The walls of the room were not visible, nor was the ceiling, and the tile floor was a dark, dull gray. The boy sat up and turned looked around him, hoping to see something other than darkness. For several minutes, the boy sat still, too confused and too scared to do anything other than sit and wait. After he pulled himself together, he sat up and stood on the cold, wet floor. The water started to drip faster, and the temperature seemed to drop just as fast. The boy began to panic, and looked down to see the water was rising. A sudden shock hit him, making his knees buckle. The boy fell to the floor, and realized that he couldn't breath. He desperately grabbed for air as the water came closer to submerging him. The water passed the tip of his nose, but the boy seemed to stay on the ground, as if the water forced him onto the floor. He gasped for air and wriggled on the floor in an attempt to escape, but was only greeted by more water filling his lungs. Realizing he had no chance of escape, he closed his eyes and laid still. As his surroundings seemed to grow darker, he accepted that he was going to drown. Expecting to wake up to death, the boy opened his eyes to see a light above the water. He rose out of the water and yelped for air. He searched his surroundings, and saw a sink, and two doors on either side, one of which lading to what he assumed was a toilet.  The only thing that hadn't changed was the temperature of the water, which was still ice cold. The boy made an attempt to breath for air, and slowly regained his composure. As he calmed down, the boy realized that he must've fallen asleep in the bathtub.

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