Seven Vengeful Spirits | Teen Ink

Seven Vengeful Spirits

December 18, 2014
By Saheebd GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Saheebd GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who abhor. I am the only one who aids them. Seven vengeful spirits with revenge in their twisted minds and hatred in their ectoplasm. Seven who should be resting but aren't. Seven cruel deaths committed by Him. From their graves, we can hear them, but most will just ignore them throughout their suffering.
Their strength is supernatural. They send fear into those who challenge them. They float up and they dive down and grab souls between their wispy hands and drag them down to the depths of the earth and they never quit their rage. This is how they hate.
Let one forget their abhor and revenge, they’d sleep like they’re dead, each in their separate coffins. Hate, hate, hate they scream when I hunt. They screech.
When I am too scared and too tired to keep hunting, when I am fighting against so many fronts, then it is I hear the spirits. When there is nothing left to hear at on this hunt. Seven who hated despite death. Seven who avenge and do not forget to avenge. Seven whose only reason is to hate and hate.

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