I Was Butchered With A Knife | Teen Ink

I Was Butchered With A Knife

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

A 12 year old girl hides under her bed- sobbing. Her tears are like raindrops hitting the street on a stormy day. The door burst open. A man is standing in the doorway slanted. One hand on the knob and the other holding a beer bottle. He steps in the room- his body off balance. The girl wraps her hands over her mouth to prevent louder cries. Looking at his feet she removes one hand and place it over a doll that her sister gave her before she passed away. 

“Ugh… I know you’re in here.” the man says.

The girl looks desperately at his feet praying to God to remove her from the situation.

“Since you wanna play hide and seek, I guess I’ll just have to seek then.”

He walks towards the closet door. She watches his every step. He opens the door and she slides from under the bed and runs. He turns his head and see a shadow run past on the wall. He follows. She runs toward her mother’s bedroom. She slams open the door to see her mother passed out laying backwards with her head hanging off the edge of the bed. She runs to her mother’s bed side- waking her up but she don’t budge. She then lifts her up and drags her off the bed. Walking towards the door, she sees a silhouette moving along the wall. She stops.

“Where are you? Marco…? Marco…?” the man whispers silently.

The girl realizes that he has turned the reality of surviving into a game of Marco Polo/Hide and Seek. She lays her mother in the rocking chair next to the door. She then hides in between the door and the back of the chair. She crouches down slowly and quietly. Hugging her legs she doesn't know what is yet to come. The door shrieks open and a hand is pressed against it. Using the force of his palm to push back the door, the girl grabs hold of the bars of the chair. He walks in and stands at the bottom of the bed. Looks around the room, he notices something is different. He lays his left hand on the bed, sniffles, and uses a firm grip to get hold of the blanket. He tosses the covers to the floor turns around and sees his wife’s body laying in the chair. She wears a bloody white gown that stops to her knees. She lays unconscious. His eyes then search the room for any sign of the girl. He glance down at the bed.

“I know you’re in here Cindy. So you better come out before I have to go in to get you.” the base of his tone yelled across the room.

Cindy eyes peeked from the side of the chair to see the back of her step-father’s head. He turns his body counterclockwise and leaves out the room. She then tucks away her head into her shirt. Hoping that a state of stillness can get her out of this house- it really wasn't doing her any good. She sits in the corner quietly for 30 minutes. She plays with her toes to keep her from crying. She finds a notebook and a pen under the rocking chair. She grabs it and pulls it from underneath, book reads- Linda’s Journal. She opens it to see letters and pictures of her father. She then comes to an empty page and thinks. Holding the pen in hand she begins to write a note. She then places it on her mother’s chest. George comes back to the room to lay in a bed that looks like it was used for a massacre scene. He falls on his back not thinking of anything. He’s exhausted and stress from looking for Cindy the entire day. He sits up to rub his feet and lifts his head up. He sees a note with his name on it- George. He stands and reach for it. Opening the note he sees a wet spot on it. Note reads- why are you doing this to us? You already hurt my mother, but why me? You've taken my innocence before and I was too scared of what you might do. So I’d protected you. But this is gone too far. When someone does bad, bad things happen to them in return.

George crumbles the note and tosses it across the room. He picks up his chair and throws it to the other side of the room. He looks back in the same spot to see Cindy balled up in a fetal position asleep. He grabs her by her blouse. She awakens.

“Ah… Can… Can you please let me go? I’m sorry if I have done wrong. I won’t tell anyone what you've done. I promise” Cindy says begging and crying.

George glances at the little girl he’s holding in the air. He lifts his other hand and breaks her neck. She is hopeless and helpless. He tosses her over her shoulder and then grabs her mother by her hair. Dragging one body and caring the other he proceeds down the hallway into the kitchen. He opens the draw that holds all silverware. He searches for the biggest knife he could find. He comes across a butcher knife. He starts to cut the bodies into pieces and puts them into a plastic bag. He cares the bag to the sink and rinse it off. He then goes to the neighbor’s house and knocks on the door. 

The author's comments:

This is based on factual events that happened. 

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