A Short Story About Confusion | Teen Ink

A Short Story About Confusion

November 4, 2014
By HeyItsRemi BRONZE, Fresno, California
HeyItsRemi BRONZE, Fresno, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark saturday night. If you looked into my room, you would see me sitting on my bed pulling my hair out. In my mind I kept wishing that I could skip my years as a teenager, and fast forward to where it gets easy. I look in the mirror next to my red door. I stare at my curly blonde hair that goes to the end of my ribcage. I run and throw myself back onto my bed. I threw my book bag onto my floor and threw my face into my pillow. I make a noise out of anger, unclear if it was a cry or a scream. “I’m done” I say to myself as I fall asleep trying to forget all the stress.

           I arose out of my bed just when the sun was rising on a Sunday morning. I tried to open my eyes but there was sleepy-sand keeping them shut, I tiredly raised my hand to my face to rub my eyes, I opened them to a blurry sight, the pink light from the sun was blasting through my curtains onto my old wooden grey desk. I pushed myself out of bed with great force, confused as to why I couldn’t see clearly. On top of my grey desk, there was a black object but I couldn’t make it out. I thought to myself, “are those glasses?” I grabbed them pushing them carefully onto the bridge of my nose.
      Suddenly, I had perfect vision. I could see the beautiful lively yellow sunflowers in the right corner of my room next to my red door. My Jewelry box to the left, and my bookshelf to the left of that, I could see the deep brown walnut flooring, and my blue book bag on a white shelf. My leg trembled as I walked over to a mirror, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. Who am I seeing in the mirror? It can’t be me. I’m a teenager, but there is shriveled up grey thing staring back at me. I touch my face again, aware now that I’m not who I was last night. I’m a new person. I open my door and walk out of my room, completely disoriented.

My world has changed, my mind is scrambled like a batch of eggs. What happened to me. I try to remember last night. What caused this, how is this even possible? I’ve only seen something like this happen in movies. Usually there was magic involved, and in the real world there is no magic. I keep repeating to myself. “This isn’t possible, this can’t be happening.” I walked down the hall of my house, it was still green, and there was still beige carpet. There use to be pictures of me as a baby on the wall, but now there’s pictures of me holding a baby. “Mom!” I call out in despair, “DAD!” Where are my parents? Where is my family?

The sun has risen and disappeared 100 times now. My life is empty like my glass of wine that was full minutes ago. The world around me is spinning. My mind is clumped up like a pile of trash. I look down at my fingernail, it’s as long as a full sized carrot, also orange because I only eat carrots. I long to be young again. I long to have my parents caring after me. Anger fills my body as I realize what I have done. I can’t get up because my legs have no strength, I’m so old that my hands constantly shake. I pull myself outside, it’s bright and there are drops of water falling from the sky. Then the world became black. Everything around me is black, but I can still breath. I’m trapped.

My eyelids flew open. My chest was quickly going up and down, I was breathing so heavily that the room was spinning around me like I was on a merry go round. I got onto my feet, hoping it was all a dream. I ran to my mirror, only to find the same wrinkles. A high pitched sound escaped my throat and my cheeks were starting to become wet. I fell to the floor, my world became black again. I sprung up as a silent scream was coming out of my mouth. My heart pounding in my chest, feeling like a rock weighing my insides down. I look down at my legs, I grab my face, I cry tears of joy and climb towards the mirror and see, I’m young again.

The author's comments:

This is for the fiction contest.

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