The Kidnapping | Teen Ink

The Kidnapping

October 30, 2014
By sassytay01 BRONZE, La Quinta, California
sassytay01 BRONZE, La Quinta, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If your going to be two-faced at least make one of them pretty."- Marilyn Monroe

Some people don’t know what it’s like not to know where you are, how you got there, or what is happening. What if I told you I’ve been through that? I’ve been through that fear, that confusion, that shock. This is the story of what I, Sara Wilbo, had to suffer for two days of my life. It all started the night before Halloween, it was just as the night sky was falling on us, where the birds went to sleep, the children started to snuggle, and the streets start to get quiet. It was a normal day for me that day, I woke up, went to school, and hung out with my best friends. The only thing that was different were the clouds. They were grey and blocked the sunlight from beaming us with it’s pernicious rays. Right then I could tell something wasn’t right but I would have never thought this was the beginning of my worst nightmare.

As I worked on my homework at the dinner table, my mother was cooking tacos and rice, and my father was helping my brother build a train. We heard this weird buzzing sound coming from the side gate. What could it have been? It was too loud to be a fly or a bee, but too quiet to be a car, so my dad went outside to find out what in the world in the noise was. Then all of the sudden I heard something, it sounded like someone just shot a gun as loud as lightning. As I turn to my mother in confusion she bolts outside to see what was going on. I hear it again. This time I understand, it didn’t only sound like a gun, it was a gun.

As I hear a scream come from my brothers room, I bolted over there like a cheetah chasing it’s prey. My brother was staring at my parents bodies through the window. I could see the blood plopping onto the ground from their lifeless bodies. As my brother and I balled so hard we almost had an ocean of tears around us as big as my parents did, I realized whoever killed them is still here and they’re probably after us too. I quietly tip-toed over to the front door and locked it. I swung around in fear, the back door was already open. Then all of the sudden I heard one more gun shot. My heart dropped faster than a penny dropping from the Eiffel Tower. I heard one more body drop to the ground.Whoever this person is, they are in my house and they killed my entire family.
I heard creaking noises coming from the master bedroom. Why  were looking for me? Then I hear a deep voice, “ Sara where are you? Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” It was a man’s voice. I knew right then, this next choice that I made was the most important decision of my life. I needed to go somewhere safe, somewhere no one would be able to find me. It clicked, there was an enormous safe that my dad had in his closet in the walls. As I crawled over to my parents room as slickly as I possibly could, I made it to my parents room only to find a huge guy towering over me with a humongous grin.

As I cried out pleading for my life he reached into his pocket, expecting that this was the end I closed my eyes with tears running down my face and said, “Goodbye.” The man started to reach into his pocket, but not to get the gun. He got a black bandana and quickly wrapped it around my eyes.

As he pulled me from the floor, he whispered, “ Everything is going to change.” When he said that to me chills flew up my spine. As I kicked, swung, screamed, and bit he threw me in a truck. I could tell by all the different voices, there were two different men in the  truck. As I flicked my head back and forth trying to get my blindfold off one of them smacked me right across the face yelling, “ Shut up! Stop trying to escape you never will!” I could tell that the person who smacked me was the same person who whispered to me before. I could feel the tingling sting on my cheek. It started to burn I wanted to cry but for some reason I couldn’t. My mind was focused on something else, he said that I will never escape I thought to myself. That sentence kept replaying in my mind over and over again.

It felt like a couple of hours had passed by, but I wasn’t sure because I dozed off a little. All of the sudden we stopped. When we stopped all these thoughts ran through my head, are they letting me go, did they get caught, were they deciding on killing me instead of keeping me alive. I soon realized that they were bringing me to my misery. They threw me in this cell like place, but kept my blindfold on and my hands tied around my back. I was surprised that I did that because if they would’ve done their research they would’ve realized that I had been doing gymnastics my entire life and slipping out of these handcuffs would’ve been a piece of cake. I started to think of a plan. I thought that I should wait to get out of the handcuffs until they came back in so I could slip right through them and run for my life. They didn’t come back for another couple of hours.

Once I heard the door handle click open I was in ready position but then the person said, “ Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.” Like I was going to believe that. “ I’m here to set you free. I’m here to save you.” As he was reaching over to me to take my handcuffs off I here once again the gun. This person is dead. He was just trying to help me and he died because of that.

“ You almost got away from me.” the guy said.
“ Why would you do that to someone?” I whimpered.
“ He tried to take you away from me. I love you to much for him to do that to you.” he replied.
“ Who are you? Why did you kill everyone I love? Why me? Why me?” I questioned.
“ I’m someone who see’s you behind everyone. Why did I did I kill everyone? It’s because you can only love one person, that person is me. Why you? I chose you because I can’t live without you. You are my one and only.” he responded.

I yelled, “ I will never love you, I will never want you, I will never need you. If it wasn’t for you my family would still be alive, this innocent man would still be breathing, and I would still be happy! Do you have any idea how much pain you’ve put me through?” As I took a breath I calmly said, ”I will forgive you though if you set me free.”

He yelped, “ Set you free? Now why would I do that? Why would I put the one thing that I love most in this world out in harms way? As long as you're here and I’m here I will always be watching you.” His face touched mine as I felt him breath on me he whispered, “ I’m never letting you go.”

As I cried myself to sleep that night the memories of my family lying dead on the cold floor kept I repeating it in my head. I would wake up at night screaming, hoping it was just a bad dream. As dawn had awoken I opened my swollen eyes from all the tears and thought to myself I have to get out of here today.

Once he opened the door the first thing he exclaimed was, “Rise and shine sleeping beauty. How’d you sleep?” I didn’t say anything. He walked up to me and grabbed the bandana and pulled it off my head and a few extra hairs with it. For the first time I saw him. He was this little red haired kid, with green eyes, and freckles that covered his body from head to toe. I looked at him in confusion, how did this little awkward kid kill all these people? I shook my head back and forth trying to get back in my right mind. I needed to escape, this was the time. I hopped through the handcuffs, headbutted him and bolted. I ran faster than I had ever ran before. I heard the kid running close behind me with his gun waving around. I knew that if I died right there it would be ok, because I would be in peace with my family.

As I was screaming and yelling saying, “ Help me! Somebody! This kid is a murder! He kidnapped me and killed my family!” He chased me for a couple of blocks before I lost him, well I least I thought I did. As I turned the corner in relief I saw him with his gun pointed up at me. The last thing he told me was, “ I love you but if I can’t have you, no one can.” and pulled the trigger.

I remember dropping to the ground blood coming from my chest and hearing the sounds of sirens. As I closed my eyes a single tear drop fell on the asphalt. I laid there quietly and said, “ I’m ready.” It felt like everything was in slow motion, I saw the paramedics put me in the truck, but I knew it was too late. I was there until the very last second and my heart stopped beating.

The author's comments:

I love reading these types of books! They always keep me on edge and I wanted to try it out for myself!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 13 2014 at 2:35 pm
Kaitlincutie GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or can't, you're right

That story is amazing!!!!! Edge of my seat, all the way!