The Shadow | Teen Ink

The Shadow

October 6, 2014
By Perla Tafolla BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Perla Tafolla BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cool foggy morning in the city of Denver. On the way to catch the bus, Daisy and her best friend Alex were talking about school.  
All of sudden Daisy asked, “Did you see that shadow go over us?”
“What shadow?” Asked Alex
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just seeing things.” Said Daisy. The entire way to school Daisy could not stop thinking about the weird looking shadow that kind of looked like a shape of a man.
Later on after she got home, her mom told her she got a letter. After giving Daisy the letter, she went to her room to read it. Once she was finished, she sat on her bed scared of what she had just read.
The letter said “I’m watching you and your friend, but only from harm that is coming your way.” She didn’t know what to do, so she asked her mom who had brought it but she had no idea.
“I’m going to figure this out. Maybe it had something to do with the creepy shadow, or maybe I’m just over reacting.”
The next morning, she went to Alex’s house to tell him about the weird letter she had received.
“So you don’t have a clue of what this means or who it is or anything?” Said Alex.
“I don’t have any idea. I’m just worried about what might happen.” Said Daisy.
On the way to the movies, Daisy sees the shadow lurking behind them and this time Alex sees it too. They both hurried up and got inside the theater, they were really shaken up.
“Did you see it this time?” Asked Daisy.
“Yes, I saw it and now I know that you’re not lying.”
“Daisy you have mail again, come get it.” Said Daisy’s mom. It was a Saturday morning. She was wondering who could’ve brought her daughter mail.
“Who keeps sending me this? Who is it?” Said Daisy in a shaky voice.
“What are you talking about?” Is everything okay?” Asked her mom.
“Everything is fine. Some people are just trying to prank me.” Responded Daisy
“Oh okay. Let me know if you need anything.” Said Daisy’s mom
Daisy was starting to get scared. That Saturday night, Daisy tells Alex about the second letter warning them about an invasion. They were really scared about what kind of invasion it was going to be and if it really was going to start at twelve in the morning. Suddenly they hear people screaming. They run outside and see people that are dressed in all black. Then, while looking forward, they both see the shadow coming towards them really fast.
Then out of nowhere everything turned black and then back to normal. Alex and Daisy started freaking out. They didn’t know what was going on. They were trying to figure it out and noticed that they were in a cell. They heard a murmur of words coming down from a creepy hallway.
“Where are we, and what do you want from us?” In a shaky voice asked Daisy.
“Let us go, please we will do what you ask!” Alex said yelling.
“Welcome to our world. We are that our helper got has got you out of that little crisis.” Said the mysterious voice. Daisy and Alex started looking around trying to find the voice.
“Who are you?” They both asked scared.
“You will find out in a short minute.” Said the weird voice to them.
“Oh my gosh! It can’t be!” Alex and Daisy said in a surprised but scared voice. Then they saw a white flash come out of nowhere and then everything around them turned completely black.

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