Disappeared | Teen Ink


October 3, 2014
By Gabby Darnell BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Gabby Darnell BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


It was supposed to be the best week of their lives. Six whole days on the beach in Florida for Spring Break.
“Goodbye, be safe!” their father said for the last time as they got into the car to leave for their trip.
Jo, who was 20, drove because she was the oldest out of all of them. Then Amy, 18, sat in the passenger’s seat giving Jo directions. Sitting in the back, already asleep, was Kate who was only 17.
The girls drove for as long as they could before they had to stop in Tennessee to take a break and get some rest.
“Where are we staying again?” asked Kate as she started to wake up from her sleep.
“I think we’re staying at the Holiday Inn over here,” replied Jo
So the girls pulled over and checked into the hotel. The girls then went to sleep and then left to finish the trip as soon as they woke up the next morning.
The girls finally arrived in Florida after 14 long hours of driving. Jo realized she had forgotten sunscreen so she dropped the other two off at the hotel that they were going to stay at that week and went to Walmart.
Jo finally found Walmart, quickly went in, got her stuff, and left. As she was walking out she noticed an older man staring at her. Feeling a bit uneasy, she walked a little faster, but he caught up to her and asked her a question.
“Excuse me ma’am do you need any help with that?” he asked.
“No thank you.” Said Jo trying to be as polite as she could. She then hurried back to her car and headed back to the hotel.
The next day the girls all went to the beach and they were just laying out when Jo noticed out of the corner of her eye the same man she had seen at Walmart At first she was kind of worried about it, but then she just convinced herself it was a coincidence.
Later the next day while they were out shopping she saw the man sitting in the food court pretending to read the newspaper. She was finally starting to get worried about it, but though that telling her sisters would only make it worse. She knew that they would worry too and not enjoy the trip as much. So, she decided to just not tell them.
The third day they were there they went to Disney World. She hadn’t seen the old guy all day, so she felt totally calm. The girls then decided they wanted some food. Well Jo didn’t want what they wanted, so she went off by herself to find something. While she was waiting for her food, she went to the bathroom. As she was coming out she felt somebody grab her from behind. And that was the last thing she remembered before she blacked out.
Amy and Kate went to the place where Jo got food because that’s where they had decided to meet. The girls got there and started to look for Jo, but they couldn’t find her. They checked everywhere two or three times before they went and told somebody.
The girls told the police and they looked into it for a very long time. They never found one single lead and Jo was never seen or heard from again.


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