This world is mad | Teen Ink

This world is mad

July 30, 2014
By Anonymous

I followed her as she leads me down the stairs, down an abandoned alley until we finally reach destination which was a very ancient looking house. As we went in, I looked around. It seemed that no one has been to that house in fifteen years. There was dust, dirt and cobwebs blanketing the furniture, I hadn’t noticed that I was about trip until I bumped into her. I kept asking “Why were we here?” but she just kept walking.

She pulled me up the stairs to what looked like the attic. She had closed the door as I just looked around the attic; I was always curious. As I turned back to face her she punched me. I was stunned, next thing I know I’m on the ground and she’s hitting and kicking me over and over. I must have blacked out because I woke up to an agonizing pain side. I slowly opened my eyes to realize she had stabbed me. I screamed in pain as she took the knife out just to put it back in again. I just laid there wondering why my best friend in the whole world lead me to my death. I couldn’t stand the pain anymore, I was just waiting to die now; at the same time I wished I was strong enough to live through this. I didn’t want to die. Not like this, not here and certainly not now. I wanted to die old with the love of my life. I wanted to do so much, but now I won’t get the chance. I knew I was dying. The last thing I heard her was saying “He's mine…”

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