Elevator to Hell | Teen Ink

Elevator to Hell

May 19, 2014
By Joanna Concepcion BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Joanna Concepcion BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Tag, you’re it!” I told Frankie as I ran as fast as I could away from him.

“It’s not fair! I wasn’t ready Carol!” he yelled after me. Ignoring his protests, I ran towards the old Wickside Cemetery. As I got closer, I noticed a red light in the fog coming from the graveyard.

“Tag! You’re it now!” Frankie stated excitingly.

“Do you see that Frankie?” I said, pointing towards the red light.

“Let’s check it out” he curiously responded.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea”

“Why Carol? Are you scared? You chicken!” he laughed.

“No, I’m not chicken. I just have a really bad feeling in my gut.” I annoyingly replied.

“It was probably that habichuela con dulce you ate” he said jokingly.

“Just so you can shutup, let’s go” I replied, even though I’d much rather listen to my stomach and just walk away.
As we entered the cemetery, I noticed the fog getting thicker and the light getting dimmer. From the corner of my eye, I saw a white figure standing will long black hair. When I looked closely, it was a woman in a white dress visiting her husband’s grave. I clearly read “In Loving memory of Tom Jenkins. U.S Army Veteran. Gave his life to save ours”. Looking away, we both kept walking, side by side, towards the ominous red light. As we grew nearer, we both noticed the fog clearing and saw a big, black rectangular shape appearing.

“Can we just forget about this, Frankie? I’m getting spooked out already.” I said.

“No way! What if it’s some type of hiding place for zombies or vampires? Wouldn’t it be cool to meet one in person?” he exclaimed as he ran off in front of me.

“Carol, hurry, come see this!”
As I got closer, I noticed the rectangular figure was actually a weird black elevator with crystal clear doors and a red light on the top. Why would there be an elevator in the middle of a graveyard? It makes no sense at all. I’ve lived in this town for 14 years and never once have seen or heard about an elevator in the middle of Wickside Cemetery.
I noticed Frankie touching the button, instantly turning the red light to green. I started hearing the gears moving as the elevator came up to where we were.

“Frankie! What did you do?!” I exclaimed.

“Chill, Carol. Let’s check it out!” he responded back.
“I’m not going in there”

“Fine then! Leave your best friend to go into this creepy elevator. Bye!” he said as he stepped into the elevator. Ignoring my conscience, I responded, “Okay, wait for me” as I followed the idiot into the thing. Once the door closed, the elevator zoomed downward and I noticed it getting hotter and hotter the further we went down, Suddenly, it made a rough stop. When the door opened, I was shocked at what I saw and regretted following this maniac. We hesitantly stepped out into a long, Dark, almost murky Hallway. The walls were a blood red color with some bones sticking out. There were some that looked like it still had flesh stuck to it. What was this place? What happened here? Were these real bones and flesh. Were we being punk’d?
Suddenly, chickens of all types began descending from dark holes in the wall we didn’t noticed before. Frankie screamed like I’ve never heard him scream before; a loud very squeaky, girly scream and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“What’s wrong with you Frankie. Don’t tell me you’re scared of harmless farm chickens” I stated, in between laughs.
“Shut up” he said with teary eyes and a sad expression.
When we looked back, the chickens were gone and I started to feel anxious and scared, like something really horrible was about to happen. My suspicions were correct because a few seconds later, the floor was filling up with dirt and every little creature that lived in it, nonstop. I felt ants, centipedes, worms and all other disgusting insects crawling all over my legs as the graveyard dirt rose up to our knees. My heart was racing incredibly, my hands were trembling
“CAROL! HELP!” i heard Frankie yell. When i looked over i saw him nowhere.
“frankie! where are you?!” I shrieked, daunted by the creepy crawlers around me.. I noticed something sticking out from the door and tried to run as fast as i could towards it. I pulled my bestfriend out from under the dirt and couldn’t help but hug him tightly.
When we noticed it was not stopping, we tried to go back to the elevator but there was no button to call it back down. The heat was getting worse and worse and my heart was about to fly out of my chest. That’s when it hit me. Frankie is scared of chickens and they appeared. My worst fear is being buried alive surrounded by slimy, disgusting bugs and that is what is happening right now.
Out of nowhere, we heard a boy’s voice, around our age, yelling, “get close to the elevator and place your hands on it! hurry! get close to the elevator”. We did as the invisible voice told us and tried our best to get as close as we can to the elevator. The voice then said, “Shout 10 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers and repeat that three times”.

“Why should we do what an invisible voice is telling us to?” Frankie asked.

“Because that invisible voice is of a boy who didn’t know how to escape from
Satan’s lair. If you don’t do as I say, it will be too late and you will never escape like
hundreds of other children never did. Now do it!” he said.
We both closed our eyes and placed our hands on the place where the elevator doors were and began shouting the prayers. When we opened our eyes, I confusingly looked around and noticed we were back in the cemetery and our hands were on a tomb that said, “R.I.P Lucifer”.

The author's comments:
I wrote this short story after seeing a picture of an elevator in the middle of a cemetery and the first thing that popped into my head is thriller and hell.

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