Going Home | Teen Ink

Going Home

March 24, 2014
By Nicole_wesbur BRONZE, Belgrade, Minnesota
Nicole_wesbur BRONZE, Belgrade, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Going Home

My arms were aching from moving boxes from the van to the small 1960’s brick house that my roommate and I bought. I went back to the van to get the last box which was a bad choice for saving it for last because it was full of books and papers. I walked as fast as I could up the stairs of the house as the box slipped a little with each step.
I walked in the house looking for a wall to lean up against to get a better grip, which was when I realized that the box was not taped shut, and there was no place to set the box down. I pulled the box away from the wall to bring it to my room. Not realizing what was happening I fell on my elbows, scattering the contents all over the floor.
I looked towards my feet to see what tripped me. I saw a wooden floorboard that stuck up above the others. I crawled over to the floorboard. The floorboard looked as if I could lift it up. I dug my nail underneath the board and lifted it up. Other boards came loose and I lifted them up, too. Soon it became a big hole. The hole was dark but had a faintness of light. Faint outlines of what I thought were steps poked out of the darkness. I got up and started to walk slowly down the stairs. It seemed like forever, but then I finally reached the bottom. I looked around it seemed like now I was standing in a big room full of old antique junk.
I looked around for a little while longer. I looked at my watch. I hadn’t even realized the time until now. I got up off the dirty floor and started towards the stairs. Then something shiny caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I turned towards the shiny object, it wasn’t until I got up to it that I saw it was a ball. I reached my hand out to touch it. Then it suddenly turned black for a half a second, then started flashing pictures of a girl. After a while the girl in the picture started getting older. It was then I saw the girl in the pictures, was me.
My heart hammered in my chest and my stomahe started to turn. Now I didn’t feel so safe down stairs. I started walking towards the stairs, then something flashed in front of me which looked like a tall man.
“Stop. Please, just stop,” his voice boomed.
I felt like crying. I turned around and bolted towards the stairs climbing them two steps at a time. I wanted to look back to see if the man was behind me, but I was to afraid of what I might see. Not paying attention to the stairs I tripped and fell on my knee. Instantly my vision became blurred with tears. I was almost standing when something grabbed my leg. I started to fall but then something caught me. I looked at what was holding me. It was a very handsome man, but this can't be the man I saw, this guy was not scary looking at all. He pulled something out of his pocket and put it over my face, but it was my mistake to inhale. My eyelids suddenly felt very heavy, and I fell into a very deep sleep.
Someone was shaking me, “Kayla wake up.” My roommate Martha,hovered above me. She stood up and then helped me up to my feet.
“What happened, why were you laying on the floor?” I didn’t really even think about it until now. Was it all just a dream or was it real?
“I tripped when I was carrying the boxes in. I must have hit my head pretty hard.”
I looked out the window, darkness had already covered the sky.
“Well, I think I'm gonna hit the hay.” I told Martha. She told me goodnight and walked to her room. I headed back down the hallway to my room.
I was so confused about what happened today. Was it all just a dream? But yet it all felt so real at the same time. I put on my pajamas and crawled into bed. I wasn’t even really tired so laid there with my eyes slightly closed with the moonlight seeping in my room. All of a sudden the moonlight stopped shining on my face. I opened my eyes and I saw the man that was in my so called dream.
I sat up. “Who are you and what do you want from me?” I asked the man. He stared at me for a few moments.
“ In this world there is a lot of stuff you don’t know, and it’s better for right now if you don't know.” He said in a soft voice.
“What do you mean theres a lot of stuff I don't know about?” I asked.
“ Let me set this straight, first of all you are not human, your mother sent you to the human world to protect you. When you would reach the age of 21 you be summoned back home and now since you are of the age, well….you’re going home.” he said.
“ I am not coming with you, I dont even know your name or anything about you.”
“ Oh, yes. I forgot about introducing myself. My name is Sebastian, but call me Seb. I am your protector and I have been sent to the human world to bring you back home to your mother.”
I let in all sink in. First of all i’m not even human and this random guy wants me to come with him to go see my real mother.
I turned around to see Sebastian standing by a huge black hole.
“ What the heck did you do to my wall?” I yelled.
“ I didn’t wreck anything. It is simply a portal to go back to your real home.” Seb said calmly.
Seb walked over to me and stuck his hand out. “ Come back home with me, your mother wants you back home.”
I had nothing to lose. I had really never felt connected with my family before and now I know why, and Martha she was never my friend, she talked behind my back, and was always very selfish but she was lonely to so that’s why I stuck around with her so long. Now I know what I am going to do.
I grabbed his hand and walked with him towards the portal.
“ You ready?” he asked.
I nodded and walked through the portal. I was ready to go back home.

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