The Soul Hunter | Teen Ink

The Soul Hunter

March 16, 2014
By Briahna SILVER, Lancaster, Ohio
Briahna SILVER, Lancaster, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mind over matter

The Soul Hunter
Each time I tell this story it seems more and more crazy to me, and I realize how oblivious I am or was I should say. My name is Oliver worthy and I’m going to tell you of the week that I died. The year was 1905, a year of nothing but devastation for me, I couldn’t wait for the year to end, little did I know that I would end before it did. Christmas Sunday I awoke to a pounding headache and the sound of carolers at my door. As I was walking downstairs I tripped and broke my arm while trying to catch my fall. What a terrific Christmas this was going to be. The next day on my way to work my car broke down, causing me to have to walk the rest of the way. And then when I arrived at work 2 hours late my boss informed me I would be there for most of the night because we had to print more newspapers then ever due to the holidays. So I left the office at 1:30 in the morning. As I was walking home I met a tall dark man who went by the name of D.E. Vil. I thought it was quite strange running in to someone on the street this early in the morning, but he seemed innocent enough so I didn’t question him. We talked for a while and I decided to ask him how he made his living. He simply stated, I am a grave hunter. The way he said it and the word itself made my spine tingle and the hairs on the back of stand on end. After he said that I made an excuse to leave and I practically ran home. I swore I was being followed but I was far too scared to find out. When I was in my house I made sure to double lock all of the windows and doors. I went straight to bed where later I realized I was trembling with fear. The only reason I awoke was because I had the feeling that I was being watched, I saw that it was only 5:45 A.M. Downstairs I hear coffee brewing and I can smell eggs and bacon frying. Someone is in my house and I had no idea who it was. I grabbed the closest thing to a weapon I had; my old cricket bat from beside my bed. I slowly crept downstairs careful not to fall and break my other arm. On my coatrack in the hall I see a black and red cloak that Mr. Vil had on last night, as I turn to run a voice said, hello Oliver, I hope I didn’t wake you, when I turned to look at him my face must have shown fear because Mr. Vil let out the most sinister laugh I’d ever heard. I knew then I was going to die, but it wouldn’t be without a fight so I prepared myself. Mr. Vil then said I would like to properly introduce myself; my name is Lucifer or Satan whichever you prefer though it doesn’t matter much now because soon you will refer to me only as king, or father. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way; the easy way being you except that I am here to kill you and make you my demon and you come peacefully, or the hard way; you fighting for your life which by the looks of it that’s what you’re preparing to do. Would I be correct? I answered with what I hoped sounded like a strong yes but it didn’t at all u could hear the fear in my voice. He began talking again but I wasn’t listening, I was preparing to charge at him and swing. So when he closed his eyes were closed I charged and swung at his gut. Right before the bat made contact, his eyes opened and he laughed, when he did I froze I couldn’t figure out why but I did I could hear, and see but I couldn’t move I felt paralyzed, and now that I think about it I realize I was. He began his speech again. He explained how stupid and idiotic I was thinking I could win a fight against him the Almighty ruler of the Underworld. He also told me of how after he killed me that I would suffer forever as his demon. I would have to do his bidding and that if I didn’t I would be tortured by him and my soon to be fellow demons. The thought of this scared me and I knew there was no escape. Lucifer hadn’t spoken in a while and I wondered if he had left though I knew it too good to be true. I then heard his laugh again though this time it seemed very distant. And as if on cue I could suddenly move again, but I didn’t, I wanted to but I didn’t and I don’t know why. Lucifer came back into view, and he raised his right arm and as he did my right arm rose in sync with his, this must have been part of what being a demon was about. He then walked closer to me and said now your eternity life as my minion begins. And with that he swiftly gave a snap to my neck and I felt my soul leave my body and everything went black. I then remember being in a room with many others and Satan himself, there I was officially recognized as one of his followers. And that is how I Oliver Worthy died. To the readers of this I would greatly appreciate if you would share my story and warn others to never ever stop to speak with a tall dark man in the wee hours of the morning or they might end up like me.

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