The Warning | Teen Ink

The Warning

February 28, 2014
By Anonymous

The Warning

“Can you be more specific?” asked the FBI agent as leaned back in his chair obviously exhausted from a day’s work of trying to figure out who or what had kidnapped me and how they did it.

“No,” I replied resting my head in my hands. I was exhausted too. I had been here since noon and now it is 10:30. All I want to do is go to sleep. “That’s as specific as I can explain it. I told you, I never saw the person or-” I paused “spirit.”

“Ok, Amanda.” He said standing up and walking over to the door. “How about we meet here again tomorrow? Same time, same place.”

I stood up and followed him out the door and found my mom sitting on a bench outside the door reading a book.

“All done?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Let’s go home.”

We walked out the door, through the parking lot, and got into our car. The ride home was silent because we were both so tired. Every day I would have to get up super early and go to some police station where they would interview me and ask for the details of the night I was kidnapped.

When we finally arrived at home, I went straight to bed. I lay there for a while thinking about what happened that night, playing the details from a week ago through my mind.


“Amanda,” said my best friend, Leslie. “You sure you can’t spend the night?”

“I Wish I could but my mom says a have to be home 10:30 because I have dance early in the morning tomorrow.” I said picking up my bag.

“Do you need a ride, Amanda?” asked Leslie’s mom.

“No that’s okay. I just live right around the corner.” I replied. “Bye.”

As I walked out the door, the door everything was silent. The warm spring air felt nice as I walked down the driveway. It would have been pitch black if it weren’t for the street lights lining the road every 25 yards. To my left I heard the slight rustle of a bush. It didn’t bother me because I knew that there were probably squirrels out running around.

Right as I was about to turn the corner, I smelled something flowery. I began to get very dizzy. I stumbled onto the ground, bumping my head on the soft grass. Then, everything went black.

I woke up on a bed that was placed in… my Aunt Cara’s bedroom? Yes, it was her bedroom I recognize her pink handkerchief she carried around everywhere. The only source of light was a dim light bulb dangling from the ceiling. My heart began to race, and I felt froze in the bed. How did I get here? Why am I here? And who put me here? Finally I mustered the strength to get up, and walk to the door. I went to reach for the handle, but there wasn’t one. I started panicking and banging on the door. I don’t know what I was planning on accomplishing whoever put me in here, wasn’t going to let me out. Then, everything went dark

When the light came back on, it was brighter. I was standing in the middle of a garage. I recognized the garage but I couldn’t tell whose it was. I looked at the car it was a shiny red convertible. My Aunt Cara’s red convertible. I was too confused to be terrified right now so I opened the door to the car, and thankfully it was unlocked. Slowly, I climbed into it. I rummaged around the car compartments looking for the keys so I could drive back home and away from this madness. I opened the compartment that sat in between the two front seats and searched for a car key. I found a key, but not a car key, a house key, my house key to my house. All of a sudden the door to the car slammed shut. My palms started to shake and my heart began racing. I heard a faint voice, but I couldn’t tell what it was saying. Then it got louder and louder.

“They found her.”

“They found her.”

“They possessed her.”

“They possessed her.”

“She’ll find you.”

“She’ll find you.”

“They’ll find you.”

“They’ll find you!”

By now I was screaming and pounding on the glass of the car window. Again, everything went black.

When the light came back on I was sitting in in a desk chair. I took deep breaths as I gripped the arms of the chair. What was happening? In front of me lay a file on the desk.

Next week is May 17th. I began to shake uncontrollably. For the third time, the light went out. This time when I was able to see again I was sitting on the grass where I had fallen. Slowly, I got up. I was violently shaking. I grabbed my backpack, took two steps, and then sprinted around the corner to my house.


I remember it so clearly even though it was a week ago. The thought still made me a little uncomfortable. I looked at my phone to see what time it was 10:47. I should probably get to sleep. Wait today- today is May 17th! A wave of panic rushed through my body. Then, I heard the door creak open I turned around and saw my Aunt Cara standing in the doorway, her eyes red.

They found her. They possessed her. She found me. They found me.

She tossed her handkerchief on my face, and I smelled the familiar smell that I smelled a week ago.
I tried to warn you, said a voice in my head
Everything went dark.

The author's comments:
i wanted to leave readers guessing about the ending.

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