Is Revenge Worth It? | Teen Ink

Is Revenge Worth It?

February 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Ricky Garcia was a very successful young man. He worked as a doctor in the city of Orlando, Florida. One night he was out drinking with a couple of friends.

“Rick, I think you’ve had a little to much to drink,” said his friend Juan.

“Can you give me a ride home,” he replied.


When Ricky got home he went to check on his kids, he had a son named Miguel and a daughter named Maria. After he checked on the kids, he went upstairs and laid down.

It was two in the morning and everybody was sleeping nice and sound. An hour later Teresa woke up and thought she heard something so she said,” Rick, wake up, I think I hear something.”

“Fine, fine, I will,”So when Ricky tip-toed down the steps, the first thing he checked was the kitchen and he did not find anything. He checked the bathroom next and found nothing. The next thing he did probably cost him his life, since he did not find anything in the first two rooms he started walking normal, which was not quiet at all. There was a person in the house and the next thing you know you are hearing gunshots . Teresa ran downstairs to find Ricky lying on the floor bleeding out. She immediately called the cops they showed up almost immediately.

“Please help he’s been shot,”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t feel a pulse, but remember, I’m not certified for anything,” said this scared officer.

“No, please, can’t you do anything,”

“I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do until the paramedics get here.”

When the paramedics got there they pronounced Ricky dead.

The next morning the funeral was announced that it would be on Saturday. Everybody knew in the family but it was hard for them to understand even though they knew.

“Kids, daddy has went to heaven now,”

“Why,”Miguel yelled.

“Because it was his time to go bud,”

“But I don’t want him to go,”

“I know you don’t but we can’t do anything about it,”

So, Miguel went to his room and didn’t come back down for a while.

It was Saturday, and it was time for the funeral, but when they were at the funeral Ricky was up in heaven talking to God about making a decision. The decision was he could either do nothing and stay in heaven or go get revenge on his killer and go to hell.

“Just remember this is considered a killing,”

“I know God but I need this,”

“Do what you have to do,”

So he decided to get his revenge.

When the casket was getting taken to the cemetery by the Hurst, Ricky was out looking for his killer at a bar when he came across two people talking to each other about a killing.

“Oh yeah I blew that guy up like no tomorrow,”

Just then is when he starting reaching for a glass bottle when he finally realized that this would put him in hell and away from his family forever. When he held the bottle up he decided to bring it back down and lay it on the counter and ask God to take him back to heaven. God decided to let him go back.

After the funeral Teresa and the kids went home to get something to eat, they didn’t talk about anything until Teresa finally said we will see him one day again so the family lived it out until they passed and they met Ricky in heaven and lived happily forever just because Ricky decided his family was more important than his revenge.

The author's comments:
I am basing this on a book I am writing.

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