Confusion | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By Alyssa Chambless BRONZE, Santee, California
Alyssa Chambless BRONZE, Santee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She woke with a jump to the crisp sound of dry leaves crackling under her where she lay on the hot forest floor in her dark green pajamas. The sun was being shaded by a thin layer of deep green leaves that hung over head. The air felt thick and humid, as if she were in a tropical jungle, yet she looked around and saw what should feel like a cool and breezy forest. As she stood underneath the shade of a tree the size of an eight story building, she could not help but feel she had been here before. “Where am I ?”, she thought, “how did I get here ?”. She had an eery feeling that someone was staring at her which made the thin blonde hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up. It was quiet enough that she could hear the tiny wings of a beautiful blue and green hummingbird hovering over a bright yellow sunflower. Just then the sound of a twig breaking under foot came from just a few feet behind her and then without warning, everything went black.

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