Cuba Road | Teen Ink

Cuba Road

January 14, 2014
By Acalandra4056 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Acalandra4056 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Olive opened her eyes to find herself lying under trees on a bed of wet leaves looking up at the bare tree branches. As she stared up at stars and the full moon, she tried to remember how she got to this spot. she sat up, looked down at her legs, and noticed that she was not wearing clothes. Scratch marks ran up and down her arms and legs. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. As she stood, Olive turned slowly, noticing that she was surrounded by trees. She took a few steps when suddenly there was a high pitched whistle. What is that? It was as if Olive was a dog, and that was a dog whistle. She did not like it. Olive ran uncontrollably towards the whistle. In the distance she saw two men.

Slowly getting closer she screamed, “Hey! Can you help me?! Where am I?! HELLO!! Can you hear me?!” She took a few steps closer and something snapped under her feet. She thought it was just a stick, but when Olive looked down she was surprised to see a body. She began run and kept an eye on that body. She stopped, and looks around. Turned and saw those two people morph into wolf like creatures. They started to chase her. She screamed. Her heart raced uncontrollably. All of a sudden she just stopped running, covered her ears, closed her eyes, and collapsed to the ground. She remained there for ten minutes, surprised she was still alive. When she opened her eyes she realized she was in the middle of a road, and began to follow it.

Two lights got brighter and brighter as they get closer. It was a car, an original black hummer with gold rims, and she began to scream, “Stop! Help me! Stop! PLEASE HELP!” The car did not stop, but instead went right for Olivia. She closed her eyes and felt a punch to her gut. When she opened her eyes, Olive notices that she was still breathing and that the car had just gone through her. Is she a ghost? What was going on to her? Olive stood under a light pole, looked up and saw a green street sign that read “Cuba Road” and “Old McHenry”. She had been here before and knew her way home. Hours went by, and Olive did not see a single car or person on her walk home but she heard sirens. When she got to her house, she knocked on the door, her fist went right through it. She went through the door and found her parents on the couch crying in each others arms.

“What’s wrong? Mom! Dad?” She walked to her brother’s room and sat next to him on his bed. He was on the phone. She tapped him on the shoulder.

“What the heck?” he said.

“You see me?!” He ignored her and just continued talking on the phone. “Josh! Talk to me!!” She noticed that he had been crying also. What the heck was going on? Olive walked back into the living room where her parents were sitting and she sat next to them. There was a knock on the door, her dad went to answers it.

It was a police officer, “We think we found your daughter, we would like you to confirm that it is her.” Olive’s father started bawling. Olive’s brother ran out of his room, and they all followed the cops to the hospital. She joined them. They walked into a room, where she saw herself laying there in a black body bag. She was dead. Olive was a ghost. It all made sense then why no one had replied to her. But she was still unsure how she died. If she was dead, how come she did not see the light? Was she not accepted into heaven? Was she stuck on Earth forever? She looked at her mom laying across her dead body crying her eyes out.

“Olive! Please! Please come back! Don’t be dead!” Josh screamed. The cops forced the family out of the room, and drove them all home. A few days later Olive went to her own funeral. She saw all her loved ones crying, there were flowers all over the room, and even people that she had never met were there all dressed in black. Everyone was crying. Olive did not feel dead, how could this be real? They brought her body to the graveyard, and shoveled dirt onto the casket. Olive looked at her mom, and then back at her tombstone. Suddenly, everything went white. She heard birds tweeting, opened her eyes, and relieved that it was all a dream. Olivia ran into her brothers room.


Angry because he had just been rudely awoken, he replied “What the hell Olive! What do you want?”

“You can hear me!”

“Sadly, yes I can. What do you want?!”

“I just wanted to say I love you.”

“Okay? I love you too. Now get out.” She ran out of her brother’s room and straight to her parents room where she jumped on their bed.

“Mom! Dad! Can you promise me something?!”

Her mom had been up for a while, “Depends, what is it Olive?”

Olive moved closer to her mom and started to tear up, “promise me that you will never let me go to Cuba Road.”

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