Killed | Teen Ink


January 14, 2014
By Madison Inman BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Madison Inman BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could feel my palms getting sweaty. It was a foggy, grey Tuesday morning. I was at the police station for about two hours, just waiting. I was supposedly accused of murdering the most popular girl at my high school, Marisa Elizabeth Coats. We use to be best friends back in 7th grade, but she got popular and I was, well, let’s just say; I wasn’t. I wiped my hands on my dress. My face was as hot as the sun.

“Abby Jones?” a police officer stared at me. He obviously knew who I was, he had barely any hair and brown eyes. Before I got out of my chair, I brushed my hair off my shoulder and fixed myself. He showed me into this big black room. There was a desk right in the middle and a lamp that was the only light in there. The room looked like the ones in movies.

“Hello Miss. Jones, I’m Mr. Evans. You’re here because you are a suspect for murdering Marisa Coats. Is that right?” He asked. He had tons of folders on the desk, running his fingers through the papers.

“Yes that is correct but I didn’t even kill her,” I said.

“I would just like to hear your story and then you may leave. Give me every detail on what happened. In my papers, it says that you’re the one that found her body?” He looked at me but I didn’t say anything, “Okay, well I would just like to hear what you have to say.”

“Well it all happened September 13th,” *flash back*
Could the clock go any faster? I thought. This day could not go any slower. Marisa was in the back with her friends, talking. Like she always did. Sometimes I wish they would just shut up. But that would never happen. Homecoming was tonight, so that’s the entire buzz around school. Yet I didn’t have a date and to be honest I didn’t even know if I wanted to go. I was about to fall asleep in Mrs. Fox class, she teaches social studies but I hated the class. My pencil walked up and jumped off the desk. As I reached off to go pick it up, someone already did.

“Is this yours?” A boy’s voice said. As I looked up, Garrett Bradley was right in front of me. He’s the most popular guy at our school. The way his blonde hair flipped, and his blue eyes were crystals.

“Um…ye-s-ss. Thank you,” I hesitated.

He laughed, “You’re welcome,” He walked away to go get the bathroom pass. Finally the bell was about to ring. Ding. I grabbed all my books and headed out of the door. People were always in a huge mob in the hall ways. So basically I had to push my way through people just to get to my class.. Ding.

“Hello class. Today you guys will be working on your essays that are due next Friday,” Mr. Capps said as he was writing the due date across the board in chalk. I took out my computer and went over to him to ask him a question. Thump. Marisa bumped into me and made me drop my laptop on the ground.

“Watch out,” she rolled her eyes and went over to Mr. Capps to grab the bathroom pass. I bent over and grabbed my laptop, this better not be broken, I thought. The class period went on as usual. But Marisa has been gone for about 30 minutes and there was only 20 minutes left of class.

The hallway was completely empty. I went into the bathroom, one light was flickering. Then, I turned the corner and there was blood everywhere, all over the sink and all over the walls. And there she was. Marisa’s cold, bloody, dead body in the middle of the bathroom floor. Oh my god. I thought. The smell of blood was over flowing my nose . I got on my knees and just sat there, thinking what I was supposed to do, I had goose bumps on my arms, tears on running down . Then I grabbed my pass and ran to Mr. Capp’s room.

“Mr. Capps!” I yelled.

“What is going on? What is it?”

“Marisa, she’s um, she’s dead…”

*out of flashback* “And that’s it,” I said.

“Yeah, well okay that’s all I need. Thank you for coming and I will call your parents if there is any more sign of who killed her.”

“That was stupid what you did, I had to lie for you” a girls voice called.

“I did what I had to do,” a boys voice said. He took a rag and cleaned the knife with blood on it.

“You didn’t have to kill her, but who would ever knew that Garrett Bradley would kill the most popular girl in school,” the girls voice laughed.

“Who ever knew that you, Abby Jones, would help me but why did you?” Garrett asked.

“Because people like are ruin our school and society and she’s a brat and thinks she’s everything and better than everyone else when to be honest she isn’t and I’m glad shes dead,” I yelled.

I couldn’t believe that me, Abby Jones, helped killed the most popular girl at our school. I thought.

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