Killer Shop | Teen Ink

Killer Shop

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

“Why in the world would I want to buy that?” Christina practically shouted.

“Sorry it was just a suggestion.” I said. For the millionth time that day I wished I had stayed home. My best friend Christina is always moody when she shops, especially when it’s for something important like say the houseparty Mike was throwing. Which as would luck would have it we were invited. Chris and I weren’t invited to many parties we weren’t low on the social scale, it’s just that we mostly kept to ourselves. Chris and I have been friends since the fourth grade we do everything together and no matter what I said I know I would not have stayed home today.

“What are you going to buy anyways? Christiana asks me, If I can’t find anything we should at least get you something.”

“I don’t know yet I haven’t really looked.” I responded.

“Well then look!” She shouted at me. As I took the orders Christina had shouted at me I began to wander around the store. I felt unreasonably cold after a few minutes I looked around and figured out why.

“What!” I shouted. I was outside, and the store was behind me how did this happen i asked myself. Oh well I might as well look around I felt my pockets trying to feel if my phone was there. It was. If Chris would need me she could just call me.

I started to look around and saw another clothing store there. “Might aswell try this one.” I said to myself. I started to walk towards it but felt like someone was staring right at me. I turned around and saw a guy staring at me he was standing near the store I had just gotten out of. He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at me, I was a bit put out by this but turned back and was on my way back to the store. As soon as I entered I was greeted by a woman.

“Hello is there anything I could help you with?” She asked me.

“No. Well… yes could you help me find something that says cute but not little kid cute, oh and could it be in a dark color?”

“Sure let me see if we have something that matches what you’re looking for, follow me please” With that I started to follow her. “Is this something that you would be interested in she showed me a dress. It was the most horrendous dress I had ever seen, anything would be better that wearing that even showing up in my underwear to the party would be better.

“Umm no. I was thinking more along the lines of grown up but still cute.”

She continued to look. “Is this ok?” She showed me another dress this was an improvement on the last one but it was yellow and I hated yellow.

“Do you have it in another color?” I asked her wishing she would reply that no they did not carry it in another color.

“No sorry.” She said with a sad look on her face.

“That’s ok. I think I’ll just go now, thank you anyways.” As I started out the door I felt a pull to look back, there above the salesperson head was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, it was a dark blue with black mixed in it seemed that it would tie in the back of my neck it was perfect for me and I just had to try it on. “Um excuse would you mind letting me try on that dress?”

She looked at me and said, “Which one?” She had an interested look on her face.

“The one right above you please.”

She looked at me then at the dress finally she got it for me. “Here you go.” I started to walk away when I remembered that I didn’t know where the dressing rooms were. “Excuse me..?” There was no one there when I turned around. Where did she go I thought. I called out but there was no answer. I looked around but there was no one there. I started to walk around trying to find the fitting rooms when there to my left I saw them.

I went in and tried the dress on. I decided that it was perfect and stepped outside the fitting room. “Hello miss….” it was then that I realised I hadn’t asked for the sales lady’s name. I walked back to where I remembered the register was. When I got there I looked around and saw that no one was in sight. “I’m ready.” I called out wishing there was a bell or something to let her know I was here. “Hello!” I shouted.

I turned back to the cash register and that was when I heard the moan. “Hello are you okay? Do you need help?” I asked not knowing where the moan had come from. I left the dress to look around.

“Help me please help me.” It was then that I knew where the voice came from it was behind the register the place it was on so huge that I could no see well over it. I went around it. “Oh my god, are you ok?” I knelt down next to her, she had blood staining her shirt there seemed to be more blood than when i first saw her i knew she could not last longer. “What happened?” I asked while trying to remember what i had learned if anything about how to treat a stab wound because really what else could cause damage like that.

“There’s someone here and he attacked me you have to call for help please!” She begged. As I was taking my phone out to call 911 I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see what it was and felt goosebumps on my arms as I did so. My body was screaming at me to run, but I had to see what was behind me lurking about. What I saw first was the same guy that had been staring at me earlier the second was the knife he had in his hand. I screamed and scrambled to get up.

With my phone in hand I took off. I was near the doors when he popped out of nowhere. “What do you want!” I screamed at him. “Please just let me get help she’s going to die if I don’t.” He didn’t move he just stared at me. His dark blue eyes were burning holes into mine, he was a at least a foot taller than me. His dark brown hair and light skin made his eyes pop out more. “Is that what you want for her to die!” I shouted again. It was then that he started to move towards me. I moved back but quickly I stumbled into a clothes rack. I turned and took off running back to the fitting rooms and try to call for help from there.

He was getting closer I could hear his footsteps I didn’t dare turn around. I finally made it into the room I turned and locked the door behind me. I heard a thump and the door shook. I screamed. I quickly dialed 911 I heard someone speak. “Hello yes there is some crazy guy in the store someone is injured please could you send someone please!” I said in a rush.

“I’m sorry but you’ll have to open the door first if you want help.”

“Wh-hat what did you say?” I looked around.

“I said that you need to open this door Sophie that is your name is it not?” I hung up the phone.

“Sophie, sophie, sophie just open the door I just want to talk.” He whispered.

“Please just leave me I won’t say it was you just leave me alone so I could get help and help her.” I pleaded.

“Just open the door.” He sounded impatient now. “You know I’ll break it down sooner or later so just open it now.”

“I would prefer later.” I said back. There was another thump on the door I jumped back. The door shook violently again. The one of the hinges broke off. I stepped back until I hit the wall. “Please just leave me alone please.” I shouted. Tears were streaming down my face I could not hold back anymore. “Please Please Please just please leave me alone.” I whispered. I had slumped down and was now sitting on the floor. The other two hinges broke off I knew he was standing in front of me but I didn’t have the energy to look up, I knew what was going to happen but I felt as if I was floating as if it had already happened.

“Awww what’s the point of me killing you when you’re ready to die not even giving up a fight.” He said to me. He crouched down until our eyes meet. I turned my head a tiny fraction and saw something and picked it up with out his noticing.

“Well if you do kill me now I know I hurt you too.” And with that I stabbed the pen into his neck. Blood started rushing out. He fell to the floor and looked at me with cold dead eyes. I got up and with one last look at his face and walked out.

The author's comments:
This is a creative story.

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