Money, Money | Teen Ink

Money, Money

November 15, 2013
By presleyvela07 BRONZE, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
presleyvela07 BRONZE, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stand on the edge with me, hold back your fear and see, nothing is real till' its gone.

“Hey Jake, look at this! 20 bucks!” Derek announced excitedly to his friend.
“What! Are you serious!? Where’d you find it?” Asked Jake in awe.
“Just sitting here on the street… wait a sec’… something’s written on it…”
Interested Jake asked
“Well, what’s it say?”
“Its so hard to read… it says… well it’s a date and time.” Derek says confused.
“What? Well that’s stupid.” Jake claimed, no longer interested.
Derek continued to examine the money. “Wait, what’s the date today?”
“It’s the 31st or something, just forget about it.” Jake insisted.
“Yeah, but Jake-“ Derek is cut off.
“I thought it was going to be something cool.”
“Jake!” Derek cried.
“What!” Jake barked.
“The date is today…”
Hesitantly Jake debated “…So??”
“And the time is right now…”
No longer uninterested Jake implores. “Oh… well I guess that’s kind of cool.”
Derek wasn’t so sure. “Man, this is creepy- I feel like someone is watching us.”
“Dude, you’re paranoid. Its just someone trying to play a prank, it is Halloween anyways.
Watch, in a couple of seconds Simon, or Carl will jump out of the bush and try to scare us.” Jake insisted.
Derek contradicted. “No, I don’t think so; Carl and Simon are never up this late.”
“Come on guys!! You can come out now! You got us real good! ...Carl! ...Simon?” Jake echoed.
Derek hastily hissed. “Jake!! Jake! Shh! Don’t do that! Jesus!”
“Oh, come on Derek; you honestly think Mike Myers is going to jump out and slice our throats. Or the Boogey Man-“ Jake starts sarcastically.
“Knock it off! With our luck, that’s exactly what will happen. Lets just get home.”
“Hey what are you doing!” Jake criticized.
Derek defended “I’m not keeping this thing… it gives me the shivers”
“Well do think I’m passing up free 20 bucks” Jake counters.
“Jake- just leave it” Derek insists.
“No way! Just because you’re a chicken, doesn’t mean I… I….”
“Jake? What is it? Jake!” Derek pleads.
“Ha! Ha! Gotcha!” Jake jumps at Derek.
“Don’t do that!” Derek disapproves “I actually thought something was wrong.”
“Like I said. You are way too paranoid. You seriously need to chill out.”
“Shut up!” Derek denies.
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave it here but believe me; somebody else will find it and we’ll find out, then I’m going to be really mad at you.”
“And when that time comes, I give you permission to rub it in my face.”
“Oh, I will.”
“So you’ll it leave than?”
“Yeah, I already said I would.”
“K’ Thanks. Now lets get home already.” Derek says, finally relieved
“What’s the big rush anyways? You’re parents aren’t home.” Jake implores “We could stay out all night if we wanted.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think that’s such a good idea-“ Jake cuts Derek off.
“See, that your problem: you think too much. You always talk yourself out of living a little.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you think too little…” Derek counters “I can say the same thing for you- You never think that’s why you are always in trouble. That’s why I always end up in trouble when I hang out with you. And that’s why my mom doesn’t want me to hang out with you anymore. Because, I actually have a future ahead of me, unlike you!... That came out wrong… I’m sorry.” Derek attempts to backtrack.
“No! Is that what you really think?” Jake asks, truly hurt. “We’ve been friends since preschool. When did you start feeling this? You know what: Fine! You don’t want to be friends anymore-“
“I didn’t mean that. I was just pissed off that you are always trying to get me to do things that I don’t want to do.” Derek starts apologetically.
“Forget. I’m going home.”
“Jake. Come on, Jake…”

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