Secrecy of the Scroll | Teen Ink

Secrecy of the Scroll

November 8, 2013
By FictionsFreedom BRONZE, Paris, Illinois
FictionsFreedom BRONZE, Paris, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Carpe Diem

In 1879, a chinese monk named, Kazunaki, had found an ancient dragon statue made of pure platinum, and gold. He had buried it somewhere in Hong Kong, the exact point where it is hidden is written on a scroll, when Kazunaki died he had the scroll buried with him. Now, Amanda Beckert, James C. Erinhart, and Garald Mya. All three in the tomb, but are at differnt ends will now fight for the scroll. " I am going to be rich, those other two morons, wont find the scroll, but i will even if it means cheating." so Amanda set trap through 3 differnt tnnels which are used to get to the center of the tomb. Erinhart walking through the third is thinking, " This tunnel should bring me to the center of the tomb where Kazu- wah wah or whatever his name is, is buried i get there get the scroll, and get out of her." while walking through the tunnel he trips over a wire knocks over a rock podium sending a jagged ball racing down the tunnel pinning Erinhart against a wall unable to get up. Now, between Amanda, and Gerald they will enter the center of the tombs, both seeing each other, then suddenly they see Erinhart pop up from the middle of the tomb from Kazunaki's coffin and Erinhart holding a metal canister gets up and starts running toward the tunnels gets to the middle one and Amanda snatches the canister and runs down the to the left, and gets out jumps on a boat and sails away from Bejing, Gerald noticing whats going on goes chasing after her. 3 hours later in Bejing, Erinhart is in Hong Kong jack hammering into the floor of a toy factory finding the dragon, what the other two expolers didnt know was, Erinhart took the scroll out of the canister and shoved it in his jacket. he took the scroll to the bank of the United States in Washington D.C and traded it in for 50 million dollars to an executive of the Bank. Erinhart was a dark horse but a clever one at that.

The author's comments:
In Bejing, in a hidden tomb underground 3 explorers went looking for The Scroll of Kazunaki an ancient scroll which holds the secret to where you find the golden plated platinum dragon worth millions of dollars, now the explores fight to see who will come out a winner.

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