Demons | Teen Ink


October 24, 2013
By TheGodOfThunder15 BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
TheGodOfThunder15 BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

Her hands were quivering as they moved all around the hard wooden door. She was in an old abandoned house. She felt sweat running down her bare arms and face, for she was heavily frightened. The girl, Elizabeth was her name, looked back and saw nothing but darkness. It was pitch black in the house. She couldn't even tell if her long black hair was covering her eyes or not. She heard the beast growl louder and louder. It sounded almost like a baby crying and a stomach growling combined, except extremely loud. Elizabeth's beautiful green eyes began to let tears out as she bashed on the door, begging for someone to open it. The growling was getting closer and closer. The closer and louder it got, the more she banged on the door. Suddenly, Elizabeth was swept off her feet, and dragged violently by the ankles across the dark and cold floor. Her cries and screaming were so bone rattling, that the walls started to shake. The beast was invisible. She stopped being dragged and it began ripping at her sides and stomach as if it was paper. Blood and flesh flew on the walls and soaked the floor around her. Elizabeth's screams intensified. The beast was tearing her body apart. The sounds of the beast ripping through her flesh and tissue was horrifying. Even the most hard man, one who had been in war, could not stand to listen to her screams. Slowly, Elizabeth's screams began to fade, for her body was giving up. The demon obliterated her body as if it was nothing. Blood spreadf far away from her mangled body. Her torso was completely torn open, exposing her sternum and ribs. Her internal organs were also ripped apart by the demon. Her left arm was twisted around like a peiece of licorice and her bone was exposed at the elbow. The felsh and tissue on her right leg was completely gone, leaveing only blood and bone. Her mutilated corpse layed in complete darkness and silence. Suddenly, Elizabeth woke up in her bed. She was drenched in sweat and tears were running down her face. She violently sat up in be with her black sweat pants and white sleeveless top. She wiped away the tears and sweat that soaked her face. Elizabeth exhaled softly and thanked god that it was just another nightmare.

The author's comments:
I love writing in general and since Halloween is nearing, I thought to myself, 'Why not?'

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