Disappearance | Teen Ink


October 9, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a cold September evening. The fog, the kind you would expect some kind of death or haunting to happen, often came to this creepy town. From what I could see, it looked like the moon wanted to become full. The wind blowing wildly, and freezing, made sounds that a ghost would make. The people in the town were surprised that there wasn’t a blizzard or even a bit of snow. The trees were ready to change colors but of course, some won’t change until October.

Aiden, a boy that turns six on Halloween, is a very curious and creative kid. His parents, strict and pretty hard on him, care about him deeply. They believe he has so much potential because he is smart and hard working for his age.

The village is covered with filth. A whole bunch of people with wagons carrying some sort of vegetables or some things that were supposedly magic, try to sell things throughout the dirty village. I guess you could say that this town is a bit like one of those old villages from eighty years ago. It had this mysterious scent and look about it. No one knew what it was but they always knew something happened or would happen. Well except for every Halloween when certain things happen.

Now in this town every October 31st, fog comes in thick where no one can see, so they have to go trick or treating on the 30th. In the fog, wolves’ howl or what seems to sound like wolves. Also, on that day someone disappears every time, usually six years old or about six years old kids. People believe it’s the noise that draws them outside and into the creepy fog.

Aiden’s parents are scared to death and are making sure that they take all the precautions they can to keep their only son safe. Also, one of their neighbor’s sons, Jayden, is turning six. Jayden and Aiden have been best friend’s since they met. Both of them are terrified because they don’t want to lose each other. They always prayed that either they both disappear or neither of them disappear, as long as they are with each other, they didn’t care.

It is now the middle of October and the trees turned orange, red, and yellow. The weather has been fairly cold with a slight breeze that has been calming. The town's people, decorating for Halloween, hope and pray that this year no one disappears. Parents spend more time with their children or weep for their lost children. Old couples feeling bad for those who struggle through this terrible time, giving each and everyone their wishes and hopes that no child will go missing this time.

Aiden and Jayden start to play at the playground on the monkey bars, which is hard for there is ice on them and it is freezing cold. They decided they should go home to spend some more time with loved ones and hopefully both their families will be able to hang out.
“Mom is it okay if Jayden stays the night tonight?” asked Aiden.
“I’m sure that his parents want to spend time with him.” Replied his mother.
“But mom I want to spend time with him before I disappear, or we disappear.”
“Don’t say that! In two days you will both be laughing and hanging out with each other and you will both be here, now don’t think so negative.”
“Mommy you know one or both of us will disappear, so I want to hang out with him! If you won’t let him come over I’ll go over to his house!”
“Ugh! I guess I can speak to his mother but I won’t make any promises.”

Aiden’s mom dials up Jayden’s mom’s number.

“Hello, Mary this is Joan.” Aiden’s mother says.

“Oh hello Joan, is everything alright?” Replied Jayden’s mom.

"Yes but Jayden wants Aiden to stay the night."

"Oh... Well I don't think that is a good idea."

"Yeah I didn't either."

"How about our whole family goes over to your house or your family can come over here?"

"Yeah, you guys can come right over."

It is now Halloween and the fog seems thicker than ever. The families are praying that everything will be just fine. The howling begins, which seems louder than ever. Whispers begin, but no one in the house has their mouth open. Everything goes quiet and all of a sudden, they hear a huge noise that sounds like glass breaking. The two dads go check things out and nothing seemed broken. The two little boys are now terrified and trying to hold back the tears.

The lights went out in the house. Everyone is holding on to each other in a semi-circle. They make sure that the two little boys are in the middle of everyone. The whispers start again. It seems like it says which one shall we pick, them both? I don't know, they both seem quite nice to me, maybe we should take them both?

Lightning flashes and the thunder shakes the house. The whispers are getting louder and wind starts to pick up. It is now freezing in the house. Another lightning flash goes off and the wind picks up even more, blowing so hard that the huddled families start to blow over. Then everything stops. Everyone thinks it's over, making sure everyone is okay and still there. Everyone is still there. They begin to hug and cry.

"Is it over?" Aiden asked.

Then everyone looks at him as he disappears.

"No! Not my baby!!" Screams Aiden's mom as her husband holds her and they both start weeping. "Why! Oh God why?"

Now, almost a year has passed and both families have drifted apart. Jayden has been continually searching for Aiden; the same with Aiden's parents. They have searched in the woods that are forbidden to enter. They looked at all his favorite places thinking that maybe he has returned. Sadly now they are starting to give up.

It is now Halloween again, a year after the disappearance of Aiden. Another little boy disappeared that night; Jayden. No one expected Jayden to disappear. Now both families have been reunited.

"Aiden is that you?" Asked Jayden.

"Yeah, they took you too?" Replied Aiden.

"Yeah. So what is this place?"

"I believe it is another world, but I still haven't figured it out."

"Oh, well what do we do exactly?"

"You see that big monster over there?"

"Yeah, it is kind of fat and ugly."

"Yeah, well I believe we feed it, but if we don't feed it, it will eat us."

"Really? What? Why?"

"I don't know, it is a big bully though"

"Oh, well do we get to play?"

"Yeah we get to do whatever we want here, just as long as we feed that thing"

"Will we ever leave this place?"

"Um... I think someday we will."


The two boys started searching this new world. Aiden shows Jayden where everything is, places he cannot go, and places where he can go, but should not go because it is far too dangerous. They have to feed the monster which is brown with teeth the size of an elephants trunk every Halloween.

"This place isn't so bad." Jayden whispered.

"Yeah it is kind of cozy when you get used to it." Aiden answered.

"I miss my family though."

"Same here, I haven't seen them in... um well forever."


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Aiden screamed with sweat dripping off of his forehead.

Aiden's parents are now running to his room.

"Sweetie are you okay?" Asked his mother.

"Yeah, I just had a nightmare."

"Oh, it's not about Halloween night is it?"

"Yeah, I was the boy that disappeared."

"Don't be silly, you will be safe I promise."

Well his mother was right he wasn't the boy that disappeared, it was his best friend Jayden. A year after Jayden's disappearance Aiden disappeared though.

"Well we are still investigating the scene." Explained officer Chance.

"Well I want to know what happened to my son and his friend!" Screamed Aiden's mom.

"We are trying our best. We have all our officers on this investigation ma'am."

"Well you need to try harder!"

Needless to say they never did find the two boys, or any of the children for that matter. All they found were pieces of clothing, notes, and carving into a tree that says best friends forever.

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