Room #307 | Teen Ink

Room #307

October 2, 2013
By clgarrett BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
clgarrett BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a man named Even Baker. Mr. Baker was running really late one night and he had a business meeting the next morning, so he decided to stay at a local hotel, Robinson Hotel. He asked the check-in guy, Jake, if he could just borrow a room for two nights but he really needed it now, even though it was so late. The hotel was very deserted, so there was no problem there. Jake signed him in and gave him the key to room #210. “But wait,” Jake said to Mr. Baker, “whatever you do, do not go in the room at the end of the 3rd story, #307.” Mr. Baker slowly nodded questioningly and then walked to the elevator. Since it was late and he had a meeting early in the morning, he went straight to bed and didn’t go look at room #307.

The next day, Mr. Baker quickly got ready and went directly to his meeting, without checking #307. But when he got back, he decided that he had enough time to go check the room. The little voice in his head kept telling him, “Don’t go in there! Jake told you not to!” but he didn’t listen. He went in the elevator and pressed the 3 button and he realized that his hand was shaking. As the elevator binged at the 3rd floor, he got butterflies in his stomach. He stepped out of the elevator and stood there for a minute as the doors behind him closed with a “bing”. He looked both ways, and then saw the sign for room #307. He slowly walked towards the door, and when he got to it, he stopped.

His hand hesitated as it reached the knob, but he told himself to stop being a baby and tried to turn it. The knob didn’t budge, so it must have been locked. He looked down and noticed that the door had a keyhole. He bent down and looked through the keyhole. He saw a fragile, pale white body sitting with their back facing him on the chair. There was no furniture, just the one chair. It had long hair that tumbled down their head, down over the chair, then down onto the floor. He couldn’t see or notice anything else. He quickly stood back up and ran to the elevator and pressed the down button. He watched the door of room #307 just to make sure the thing didn’t open it. The elevator doors opened and he ran in the pressed the 2 button and as soon as the doors closed, he let out his breath. That night, he couldn’t stop thinking about the fragile woman, and wondered if she was even human. It haunted his dreams.

The next morning, he wanted to look one more time before he left. He went up faster this time, not feeling as nervous. He was eager to see if he could see the fragile, white lady again. He practically ran to the door and decided to just look through the keyhole again. All he saw was red, a deep red. He tried looking right and left, up and down, but it was all red. He stood up, disappointed, and decided to go ask Jake about the woman in the room.

He went down to the lobby and after he checked out, he asked Jake. Jake looked at him with a smile on his face, “You looked, didn’t you?” Mr. Baker nodded and Jake leaned in. “Her name is Louise. He husband was murdered her years ago. She died about 15 years after, only a couple of years ago. She loved her husband so much that after she died, she can back to the room he was murdered in and has stayed there ever since. She’s not a regular ghost though; she’s all white but her eyes are a deep red.”

The author's comments:
This is a retelling of a scary story that I heard once.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 5 2013 at 4:10 pm
Novice-writer BRONZE, Noble, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Behind every man, is a woman rolling her eyes.
Jim Carry

That was scary! But you did a good job.