The Haunted School | Teen Ink

The Haunted School

October 31, 2012
By xLovexxHate BRONZE, Seirra Vista, Arizona
xLovexxHate BRONZE, Seirra Vista, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was all you heard from the empty halls as we entered the school building “I cant Believe they dared us to spent the night in here” I quietly said to my friends Cassadie and Rennae. “I know its kind of creepy, but I want to know if this place is actually haunted “replied Rennae “me too” shouted Cassadie. I admit I was pretty scared, it’s the first time I’ve ever stayed the night at a place that was considered haunted, but I had to Jamie dared us and I never ever back down from a dare. I might tonight though just looking down the halls sent chills down my spine, the walls were covered in blood and I could smell something rotting, I was scared out of my mind, I think Cassadie and Rennae were too because every time I looked over to them they were shaking. “This is going to be one interesting night” I thought out loud “agreed” Cassadie and Rennae said together. As we started walking down the halls it felt like something….or someone was watching me, I could hear cries for help. “lets look for a place to sleep for the night” Sammie said as she yawned “ok” I replied We walked a little bit further and saw a door, “perfect” Cassadie said as she opened the door to what I think used to be one of the class rooms.

We stepped in, I was right, This used to be a class room. Their were white boards on the calls and desk scattered all around the floor, and their were random blood scatters all over the room “ well lets clear out a spot and set up our sleeping bags” Rennae said while starting to move one of the desk out of the way. 20 minutes later All the desk were moved out of the way and our sleeping bags were sprawled out around the floor. “This will be a fun night” whispered Cassadie “not really, I think we should go to bed now so this night will be over with sooner” argued Rennae “agreed” I whispered quietly. Soon after all the talking was done everyone was fast asleep…….for now. CRASHHHH , me and Rennae shot up quickly looking at each other “ what was that” she whispered “I don’t know” I replied “ Cassadie” Rennae whispered “……” No Reply ‘lets check on her” Rennae said after a while of silence. We went up to Cassadie’s sleeping bag “ wake up” Rennae almost yelled in her ear. I started shaking Cassadie’s sleeping bag…….. Something wet was on my hand, “oh my gosh” I yelled “What’s wrong” Rennae asked concerned, “something wets on my hand, go get the flashlight I think she’s bleeding” I whispered. As quickly as she could she grabbed the flashlight and handed it to me, I turned it on………. All I could see was blood, Blood was everywhere “ AHHHHHHHH” both me and Rennae screamed as loud as possible, After we screamed we ran out as fast as possible, leaving our stuff and our dead friend laying their in the floor, we didn’t look back we just kept running.

Two weeks later: Neither of us had said one word about it to each other or to anyone else. When some one would ask us about we would start shaking and freaking out, after a while everyone just thought Cassadie just ran away, and stopped asking us about it, We however knew the truth. Years went by, and neither of us could ever forget that night, and everything leading up to it. The dare, entering the school, walking down the halls, or the horrific thing that happened in the classroom.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Dec. 21 2012 at 12:00 pm
xLovexxHate BRONZE, Seirra Vista, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
oh, ok.. and i might

Aryany BRONZE said...
on Dec. 20 2012 at 11:19 am
Aryany BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all Darkness is equal to evil as Not all Light is equal to good.
Many dreams my falter but the only was to fail it to give up.

Well you should and no that is not my real name i just alway loveb how Renna sounds.

on Dec. 19 2012 at 4:43 pm
xLovexxHate BRONZE, Seirra Vista, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I might, i dont know yet lol .... my friend cassadie wants to know how she died.... my friend rennae wants to know if that how you really spell you're name cuz thats trippy

Aryany BRONZE said...
on Dec. 19 2012 at 4:38 pm
Aryany BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all Darkness is equal to evil as Not all Light is equal to good.
Many dreams my falter but the only was to fail it to give up.

Are you going to make another one telling how that Cassadie girl was killed